So on Saturday me and my boyfriend were watching a movie. Well it was a really crappy movie so we stopped it and decided to watch something else. Well I didn't think anything of it. He started walking around then said he was going to bed. It was 8:30, but when he's bored that's not unusual. So I finished up the show and went to bed. I get into bed kiss his shoulder and then he says "what is going on with you". I said what are you talking about. I was apparently being as romantic as a dead fish. So I said is this because of the movie. He said no this has been going on for weeks and I want you to tell me what's going on. Well' I had been avoiding his question for at least two weeks so I tried to tell him I'm just in a weird spot and I don't know what I want. I said no matter what though you will always be my best friend. Well that basically got me kicked out of bed. So I'm sitting there thinking holy shit. I was talking to a friend earlier today and he said just ride it out a bit longer. Mainly because if I got kicked out he didn't have any room for me. Plus our lease isn't even up until February. So I'm sitting on the couch thinking, "shit why didn't I listen to him, and I bet he'll think I did this because I couldn't wait". Well I had a terrible night. Then in the morning we went to do groceries. He wasn't talking to me. Well we get there and he breaks down and says I'm cruel and we talk more. Well basically he told me what would happen if I leave him. He said he'd move out, but still pay his half of the rent. He also told me he would move in with his ex, but be very unhappy and would never love again. Basically trapping me like I had mentioned the night before. So he gave me until like mid November to figure it out. We have to renew the lease 60 days in advance because we have to give 60 day notice instead of 30. Ours comes up in December. I can't be with him because I want to keep him from being unhappy. And I think he knows it and is holding onto the last bits of it. I'm not pushing him away though. Did mean that I want him to be my best friend. And that I wasn't moving back to Texas. Ugh that is not going to be a happy Christmas for him. Or me.

What a great view. Sadly I can't help, but kinda wonder what this guy is doing. Is he in the middle of doing an exercise and the camera guy "accidentally" just focused on his neck to his waist. Or is this a case of cropping a picture to draw attention to a certain feature. Either way I'm fine with it.

I just like the sort of playfulness in this picture. When I grab a guy's dick it's a big deal for me. The reason being is that it's a dick that is not my own. Every dick is different. Each has a different curve, different texture, and different taste. It's also fun to do it in a playful manner. Plus the guy who's getting his dick grabbed is HOT!

An uncut dick with a cockring. Now that would be fun to suck. I've never sucked a dick where the veins where that pronounced. I bet it is also really sensitive. Bet he'd leak like crazy. I've truly never been with a guy that used a cock ring. I've used one myself, but I hated how sensitive it made my dick. Plus my then boyfriend insisted on me taking it off to shoot. Did kinda want to know what that felt like.

If it hasn't been obvious yet, the little things amuse me. I picked this photo solely for the indent in this guys pec. I honestly don't see that a lot and well I like it.
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