I was watching Suburgatory last night. It's a show on ABC that comes on their Laugh On line up. It's brand new. Anyway last night's episode featured Tessa falling for the guy next door. Normally that's no big thing, but the thing is that he was as dumb as dirt. He's one of those dumb jock types. Note I am not saying that every jock is dumb, just that this specific guy was. Anyway she kissed him thanks to a dare and well liked it. So I'm sitting there thinking has that ever happened to me. I've known some not so bright jocks with great bodies, but I never crushed on them because well they were so dumb. I guess in that specific regard I'm not shallow, but at the same time I am. When I hook up with guys if they don't have a decent body I can't perform at my best. Yeah it's great that I can talk to you, but come on. I'm not saying they have to have a six pack and a bodybuilder look, but at least do a push up or two. If you have a gut that's fine as long as there are some solid parts to you. And also I can not stand sagging. One of my hook ups clearly lied about his age and a lot of things were sagging on him. I mean it was not attractive. Looked like he lost a lot of weight really quickly because he was sick. If you'll notice even the older guys I post pictures of are pretty fit. There isn't too much sag going on. So I'm not shallow in the since that I would go after a dumb guy with a great body, but am shallow in the since that a smart guy is great when packaged with a decent body. Yeah I'm so complicated.

One of my many fantasies is to come across something like this. To be in my house look out into my neighbor's backyard to find him laying there nude. Sadly in no place that I've lived would I come across that. Just would be such a hot story if it happened. The neighbor you've been crushing on ever since you moved in finally takes it all off. Catches you looking over and gestures you to come service him. Yep instant boner material for me.

This is a guy I could so get in trouble with. I've never been with a guy with abs that defined. Honestly I don't think I've seen it much in videos. His calf looks amazing too even though it's not the focus of the picture. Just imagining what he would feel like. Wonder if he's one of those guys that jacks off to himself in the mirror.

I have such a love hate relationship with this photo. I love it because it is black and white and makes this guy's body look amazing. I hate the penis cup thing. I never understood that. You are standing their nude. If it bugs you so much you have to cover up then get dressed before taking the photo. It's kinda like if a singer did a concert, but showed up on stage with a paper bag over their head and singing. If you are going to do something then do it.

Now this is a guy after my own heart. I could have tons of fun with this guy. He had a good body. He clearly loves to have his nipples played with. He also has this very delicious looking cock. I've never sucked a guy with a head like that. Not only that, but I've never sucked on a guy with a cockring. Figure that should be interesting.
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