1. My relationship with my ex. I've broken up with him, but I really think he thinks we are back together. Our apartment is cold so we both agreed we'd sleep in the same bed. He's also kissing me on the lips still. He's just doing things that make it seem like he doesn't get that we broke up. When he does he's a train wreck and it's unbearable to be in the apartment, but it's kinda the same way now.
2. My car. My car refused to start for 2 days straight. It's an old car. 1993 to be exactly. Just a year younger than my sister. It has had problem after problem after problem. I just had it's muffler fixed for $345 bucks. I think it was that much. Now it won't start and I don't have any money to fix it. I just want to junk it.
3. Living arrangements. In December I have to give 60 days notice of my intent. I can't afford that place alone. My ex has made it clear that he wants to move out. So I have to find a place in 60 days with no money. I had a place to go, but well it's part of another number that will come up shortly. So I very well might have to get a 1 way ticket to Texas and live with my mom.
4. My job. The business is not doing so hot. I could get laid off any day now. That would not help the money situation in any way shape or form. I love my job, but I know the owner can't keep paying me and himself. He's made that painfully obvious. Even after many customers have said how great I am at what I do.
5. My suitors. I have two suitors at the moment. What are those you ask. I have two guys that have made it a point to tell me they are interested in dating me. That's great because both of them have places, but well there is a slight problem. The first who was all gung ho about us being together has become quite distant. In fact when I told him I broke up with my ex he didn't seem to really have too much to say. He was the one that said if I ever need help I could call him. Apparently not. Plus in our texts last night he made it sound like I should look for someone else. In fact here is our text conversation after I told him.
Him: Ok keep ur chin up u deserve better.
Me: If you mean you then just say you
Him: You deserve even better than me (seriously dude? what the fuck)
Me: What do you mean by that?
Him: Just keep setting ur sight high and Don't let things get you down.
Then I said when things settle down can we go on a date and he didn't really give me an answer. So I just get this feeling that he truly is all talk and has no interest in me now that I'm available. The other guy is great, but he reminds me too much of my ex. Just see it ending the same way.
So those are the things bugging me and I feel better letting it all out. This should be the last time I talk about it. Today I'm going to allow myself to be sad then tomorrow should be a brighter day.

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