I am starting to realize I'm really good at attracting guys or surrounding myself with guys that have quite a few issues. I bring this up because of a conversation I had earlier today on im. Let me back up a bit. I met this guy on squirt. We exchanged photos and I asked when he was free. He said oh I'm not looking to hook up I'm looking for a relationship. Now keep in mind that on the home page of Squirt is says where Gay and Bi men come to cruise. So I let it go. Well we got to talking and he said something else that kinda raised a red flag. He mentioned that he was on craiglist and couldn't believe the male to male ads. Saying that they were all about sex. Then you go to the straight ones and they all want a relationship. He said he found it disgusting. Now again we met on squirt where guys go to cruise and hook up. And no where is his profile did it say looking for a relationship. Again I let it go. Well today was something I couldn't over look. I mentioned how I need to get a social life. It would be nice to have some gay friends. He said and I quote "I hate gay people". Keeping in mind that yes he is in fact gay and yes has had sex with a man. So I asked for a bit of clarification. I asked if he meant the stereotypical ones? He said no most gay guys are douche bags. Again pointing out that he himself is gay. So I said I don't think that's a fair thing to say. I said you and I are gay and I'd like to think we aren't douche bags (well me at least). So after all of that I'm just sitting there thinking what the hell. You want a boyfriend, but you think most gay guys are douche bags. Now I will admit in this town a lot of the gay guys are assholes into mind games, but it's not fair to say most gay guys are douche bags. It limits you. Just like saying most black people steal, or most christians want to convert non believers, or most mexicans are illegal immigrants. You get my point. In thinking like that you treat those groups like that. Any guy that might be interested in him would get alienated by him because he would treat them as if they are a douche bag. Then to put the final nail in the coffin he insists that his porn have 1 straight guy. Why does it have to be a straight guy. Why can't it be two gay guys? Needless to say I won't be talking to him again until he talks to a shrink. Something isn't right if he's saying and doing all those things.

This is Dan Steele. Most of you already knew that. He's a straight bodybuilder that did a video for muscle gods and was in a Jimmy Z muscle show. He also did a little posing for a scene. As far as I know he has not shot a load for anything not related to straight porn. Yes you can find him in straight videos. I will say when he talks he's very arrogant. I posted a video of him getting interviewed before and it's kinda shocking how arrogant he is. That being said as long as he keeps his mouth shut I have no problem watching him.

I like Steve Parker, but when I saw him in a video without his famous beard I almost flipped my lid. The thing is that it shaped his face so well. Went along with this bear image he had created. Is he still hot yes, but thankfully he has not made another movie clean shaven since. It's sad, but we the audience to get use to a certain look. It's like when Alexsander Frietas went clean shaven for awhile. It was a shock because we were so use to this hairy man that looked like he hadn't shaved in days.

This is a very G rated photo, but my mind has it quite X rated. It's because of where his arms are located. I just keep seeing him playing with his dick. He's looking at something across the room and I keep imagining that it's porn. Funny how the mind works huh?
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