In hanging out on Squirt I figured that a certain event was going to happen. Also helped that Brock warned me about some people on there. So I'm sure you are wondering what I'm talking about. Well I was hit up by a guy who is HIV positive. Let me set the scene. I'm just on seeing who's on when I get a chat message. We start talking and he's a bit pushy. He really wanted me to give him a blowjob and he really wanted to know where I was. Then he said btw I'm poz, on meds, and with no visible viral count. Is that a deal breaker. So I said yeah it's a deal breaker. Well he doesn't stop there. He then says well when I was in college I use to eat the jizz out of my roommates condoms after he finished fucking a girl. Can you cum in a condom and leave it somewhere for me. I said no that's a little too weird for me. Again he just was not going to take no for an answer. He said well I could come over and jack you off into the condom. Still passed him up. Then he pulled the research move. He says well research has shown there is little chance of transmission from topping and no recorded case of someone getting it from a blowjob. That's when I knew this guy was getting desperate. See I don't care what the research is. I don't want to be with someone that is positive because I know me. I will do something stupid in the heat of the moment. Then he even says well you are safer with someone that is poz and taking meds than you are with someone who never tests and is transmitting it. Yeah that is true, but again I don't want to expose myself to that. That is my right. A handjob or blowjob will make me want to kiss or return the favor. I'm not going to do something to put my health at risk. It may be selfish, but in this case I do have a right to be selfish. Well lucky for me the conversation ended because the server decided to have a little hiccup. He so far hasn't hit me up again. And I really hope he doesn't ever again. The annoying thing is that this guy's profile is unlisted so I could log on to check my mail and he could end up hitting me up.

I'm sure at one point I remembered this guy's name. I thought someone told me his name in my comments, but that was a different guy. Anyway I love any photo with him. Mainly because it's usually one that shows off what a great chest he has. Would love to pay with those nips through that shirt.

Hans Hoffman is another sexy little stud. Don't know if there is a specific thing about him that I could point to that draws me in. I've just liked every solo he's done that I've seen. Personally would like to see him get worshiped by a guy. That would be fun.

I'm sure you've all had that guy that looks like he just owns the gym. Looks like a real tough guy. A guy you wouldn't mind stripping down naked and pleasing every inch of him. Well this guy is a prime example for me. Sadly this is my luck a lot of the time. See this guy somewhere that just looks amazing that I want to see naked, but I'll never have a chance. Just will have to settle for a good look and mental undressing.
Btw I was on squirt and the guy hit me up again. I had to flatly tell him no. Hopefully that's the end of that.
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