Today has been one of those kick me when I'm down days. Nothing has been going right after my leg workout. I get home and I just feel tired. I didn't edge today because I still felt drained from yesterday. Plus things are still weird with my ex. Pretty sure he thinks we got back together. Well when I'm finally ready to go to work my car won't start. Oh that is just lovely. So I call my boss up. Well he had a customer there who's been in before. He's a real talker. He has ADD or ADHD and it shows. Well he heard that my car wouldn't start and he says oh I'll pick him up. I'm sure you are thinking aww that's nice. Well he wanted me at the office because that meant he got to go to the back room and talk to my boss about nutrition. So I get there and I don't even get to eat. And they just keep talking and talking. It's about 1:48 when I look at the clock and realize I'm just flat out starving. So I had to buy a protein bar. At 2 I said screw it and went back there to eat. Then I had an order to place and call my ex to give me a ride back to the apartment. Just not my day.

How many bodybuilders do you know that have mohawks. I mean really? That is just one hair style that I can't say I've seen on a bodybuilder before I found this picture. Now yes I could focus on like his dick aiming straight at us. Or his arm or those tree trunk legs, but I'm sorry that mohawk caught my attention first. More bodybuilders should try it.

This isn't an amateur shot you see all too often. Usually when it comes to guys showing off their dick they do a close up of it. Or if they want a whole body shot they'll be naked. There is even the pants around the ankles look. Very rarely does the guy keep his shirt on. The reason being is I think it throws off the whole photo. It's like I'll show you my dick, but don't ever look underneath my shirt. Just weird.

I got this pic of Jaden Drake and Brenn Wyson from a yahoo group. It was in an e-mail with the subject about the viagra working. Sadly I know the context of this photo and that's not it. Although I wish I didn't. I like their idea better. The two have had a good fuck session and the one guy's viagra is still in full swing. He's ready to go again. Sometimes the imagination is better than reality.
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