Ok let's rewind shall we. For those of you that don't remember or didn't know about my blog's existence, I wrote a post awhile back and had a picture of Rocky. I mentioned that I thought he was a really good guy and what not. You can view it here. Well one of Rocky's clients saw the post and informed him of it and he commented. He then tweeted it and now knows he's my porn boyfriend. Well he responded, I responded back, and he didn't. I was fine with that. Honestly I figured he must have gotten like thousands of e-mails and mine got buried.
Fast forward back to this morning. I'm just thinking holy shit he e-mailed me again. Holy shit he did it using the last e-mail I sent him. It was like a belated b-day gift. Btw Rocky (because I'm sending him the link to this post) my b-day was on the 1st. Wink wink nudge nudge. Anyway, so let me show you the goodies he sent me in the e-mail.

Now I've also got more to say. I've started to backup my blog. Seen too many blogs going up in smoke. So if I need to move it or replace it I'll have all I need. Also some more good news. I'm starting a twitter account for this blog. Starting tomorrow that is. Rocky was quite insistent on me doing so. It's hard to say no to someone that you get weak in the knees for. I mean the best way I can describe seeing Rocky LaBarre commenting on my blog and saying he thought I was a good writer is think back to high school. There is a teacher you've had a crush on. You do something amazing and they pull you aside to say great job. Or if you had a crush on your gym coach and you do more push ups then the others or are a star athlete that day. He then yells out great job. Plus as if it wasn't already obvious that I think Rocky is the bee's knees (yes that is an old saying) he gave me a nickname now. JS. JS stands for Joe Screamer. When he first e-mailed me I told him I screamed like a girl. He causes me to be more honest then I mean to.
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