No this is not me saying something like gay men can't be monogamous or some crap like that. I'm simply saying monogamy is hard. I know for me at this moment it's not an option. I guess for me right now the idea of an open relationship is very appealing. I think it's because it requires a level of independence, self esteem, and trust that I've not seen from any of the guys I've been with. My first ex was independent, but didn't have a great bit of trust for me. Forget having a gay friend. I was constantly accused of cheating to the point I did. My new ex has the trust (sort of), but was not independent and did not have the self esteem. Just felt like I was always holding him up or with him because he said no one else would be. So I'm trying something new. The guy I hooked up with yesterday kinda opened my eyes to that. Oh that's a fun story I'll have to tell one day. Anyway I think maybe 10 years from now (heck maybe even 5 or 2 or a year) I might have gotten whatever it was out of my system and be able to try monogamy again. I just know that right now if I was to try to be monogamous too many guys would want to rush me down the aisle or talk about homes. I'm not ready for that yet. Right now I'm enjoying living in an apartment and being single or in a relationship.

I always feel that bodybuilders need to be careful about their tattoos. Some can be very distracting or make you look disproportionate. Yeah this guy has a great body, but I can't help, but notice the lack of tattoos on his legs. I also can't help noticing his tattoos over his body. I always wonder if that does affect judging though.

A Breno Lopez. The guy never says much, but he sure does leave you breathless. He has this amazing cock and body. Just seems to command any scene he's in. Can't help but wonder what he's like off camera.

In high school I was a baseball manager for 3 years and a player for one. It is something that is near to me. That being said. It sure does make me like this picture more and more. I remember having to wear those baseball pants. I hated how tight they were. Felt like they made my ass jiggle. Then when I got to just sit back and watch the players I couldn't help but smile when I saw them wearing them. All too many times I wish that a guy would have done this. Just be in the locker room with the two of us. He takes off his shirt revealing his amazing physique. Then slowly his pants start dropping. Jock and all.
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