Before I begin I'd like to apologize. I have been not liking this new blogger drafts forever. I use it because it's easier when it comes to setting this up the way I like it, but it does not automatically save things. So I don't know if I jumped the gun and started a new post too soon or what, but I only have two videos today. I am sorry. I also probably won't have any post tomorrow. It's my b-day and I'm inviting a friend over so I probably won't get to post. First up is Peter Johnson getting fucked. You'll note that they never use the name Peter Johnson in the credits. Well that's the only name I've known him as. I don't know what new alias he's using. Anyway he's the hairy guy that gets fucked. Next is Jan Novrack or Pavel Noventy or whatever his name is. I never bothered to learn it correctly. Anyway he fucks on a beach. I knew some of you are fans of his.
Friday, September 30, 2011
And that's that
So the poll is closed. Keep in mind that this is no where near scientific or an accurate measurement of gay men as a whole. Sorry just felt like I had to have a little disclaimer there. Pecs got 50% of the votes, Dick got 25%, Ass got 17%, and Arms got 3%. Now I think there are few things that influenced that outcome. 1. I personally admit that I am a chest guy. I love a guy with a strong chest. I know that I do get a view blogs hits based off of that. Next I'm sure the order of the choices had something to do with this as well. They literally are in the order from top to bottom of how I chose them. Personally it did kinda go the way I figured it would. The couple of guys I've been with had a major fascination with my chest. And me with theirs. I think that is one thing that straight and gay guys have in common. A good chest does turn our heads. Dick and Ass was one that I figured would be a bit closer. Yes we as homosexual men do enjoy dick, but given the choice of one or the other tops would most likely choose ass and bottoms would choose dick. I think as a majority the dick isn't the most important part on a guy unless you are looking for a one night stand. The arms was thrown in there from the last poll because it made it into the top 4. I didn't expect it to get a lot of votes and it didn't. A pair of strong arms is nice, but again not one of those make or break things. I like muscular guys, but not every guy in the world does. So what the arms look like really doesn't bother them. So again this isn't scientific and it certainly doesn't reflect homosexual men as a whole. Just something I was wondering about my readers. A lot of you are like me which tells me I'm choosing pictures and videos that appeal to most of (if not all) you. And yet I can't get a couple more followers (wink wink nudge nudge).
This photo caught my attention because it captures Alexsander Frietas' new look. He's sadly shaved off his body hair. Which I of course loved. He also shaved down his head. Now that doesn't mean I don't still find him attractive. Actually I kinda do like the new look. It looks like he's in the middle of a bulking phase. I was watching a clip of him with this look and he just looked bigger, but not as lean. Hence the idea that he's on a bulking phase. Wonder if he currently has a boyfriend.
No matter what the majority says I like uncut guys. Personally I wish I was uncut myself. Sadly I know that still uncut guys don't get a good chance at other guys. I know a guy who is uncut and he complained about it for the longest time. I would think with so many more uncut guys being in porn that guys would realize there is nothing wrong with an uncut dick. I always hoped my dream guy would be uncut. They are just more sensitive and there is a lot more that you can do to pleasure an uncut dick then a cut one. Plus they leak a lot more. It's kinda how I got hooked on pre-cum.
I've always thought about doing this to myself. Getting a nip pump and going at it, but I'm so self conscious as it is. My nips are 95% of the time visible through any shirt I wear. Now imagine them pumped up. Just seems like guys that do this seem to really get pleasure from it. Sadly I have not met a guy who did this in person. Would be a fun experiment.
A guy like this would turn me into a giggling school girl if he tried to talk to me. I mean wow. If you want a strong chest then he's got it. Just imagine cuddling into that thing. He's a guy that I wouldn't be able to not stare at if I saw him in the park.

Thursday, September 29, 2011
The first video is The Best packed basket. Two cowboys have a picnic which of course leads to fucking. There is a bit of a "storyline", but you can skip it. Doesn't really help you find this scene hotter. Just word play. It's a pretty decent scene. Next up are some cowboy stories. It starts off with a jack off session. It then goes into a story of two cowboys fighting then fucking. You'll notice one of the cowboys looks familiar. He was the one who jacked off while "stealing" a tv. Anyway the scene does get weird. The entire session there is like another scene going on in the back ground so it kinda throws you off. If you really focus on the scene at hand it's fine. Then ends with a jack off session. Must say the guy who cums last is clearly straight. You can tell by the way he watched the other guy jack off and how he tried to position himself away a bit. Third up are two bald guys barebacking. Nothing more really needs to be said. It's pretty hot. Then it's two guys from hard brit lads. I like there stuff. This video does not disappoint. Next is most of the movie Men of the World Lebanon. This was the first time I ever saw Francios Sagat. I wish it was the whole movie. The final scene is the best. Not that the first scene wasn't good either. Lastly is a country boy getting introduced to the protein program. Yeah it's exactly what you expect it to be.
The day approaches
My birthday is fast approaching. I think that plus the fact that it's been a crappy week weather wise, a crappy month everything wise, and customers that are just being assholes has made me a bit cranky. I think also another situation has me a bit on edge. Just want this week over. I'll have my tattoo, have money for a new game system (hopefully) and all this crap will be done. Plus by then hopefully I'll be at a place where I can decide what I want to do with my current relationship. Honestly it's nothing like how I pictured being a guy would be like. Now granted that could be what's screwing me up. I over romanticized it so now no relationship will live up to it. Or I'm trying to do that to counter any thoughts I have of leaving because I'm afraid of what could happen. Ugh I'm so screwed up right now. Don't think that will be changing anytime soon.
Did not know that Jim Ferro did something for Jimmy Z. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Jimmy Z does like to get good looking guys. Just seems like no matter what Jim does it's hot. He just has that muscle daddy appeal. Not to mention he was the first guy to top Samuel Colt on camera which puts him in a special place in my heart.
This looks like a more recent photo of Chris Duffy. I say that because his hair is cut. I must say he does look good with glasses. Then again I am partial to bodybuilders with glasses. Just gives you the impression that they have a strong body and mind. Which is more fun then just a strong body. A strong body is a good one night stand. A strong body and mind makes for a lifetime of fun.
I am not like most guys. I honestly have no desire to suck my own dick. The reason being is that I've had so many bad blowjobs that it's kinda put me off getting one. I will say when I was younger a tried and got close. Now it seems like almost anyone can. I think that's thanks to the internet. It's always guys that have a huge dick or are super skinny. You never see a heavily muscular guy doing it and that's probably because they don't have the flexibility. I always want to ask guys that can suck themselves if it's worth it. Is the sensation really that great or is it more of just something for show.
This picture interests me. Mainly because the posing gel that this guy used has an interesting look. It looks like he is actually sweating. Or he threw water on himself. I don't know why I think that. I'm not an expert, but it's what it looks like.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The first video is Max Diesel and some toys. Max is one of those guys that let's you know he's bi. He did some gay porn as well as some bi porn. Pretty sure he didn't do just straight. That being said he sure does seem to enjoy a dildo in the ass. Me thinks he's more on the gay side then straight side. Next up is a guy that points out the problems of a big dick. A repair guy is in a funky mood because no chick can take his big dick. So an eager young stud says he can. And he does. I must say make sure you stay for the ending. Third up is a vintage truck fuck. Unlike most vids from this era it seems pretty long. Seems like most videos are more like 7 or 8 minutes. This one was 22. There is a lot of foreplay that goes on. Next up is Parker Williams in leather. I must say I really do enjoy watching Parker go at it. He's just so butch. Then it's orgy time. The thing I like is that the set up is terrible. It's like I'm tired of working. Then they give these looks and the clothes are off. The action is pretty decent though. Last up is Damon Danillo. This is his solo with Manifest men. He's not my favorite, but even I enjoyed this clip. Plus at the end there are a few little outtakes and behind the scenes stuff.
I just don't see it
I honestly don't see what makes me so appealing to guys. My current boyfriend is talking about how awesome I am. How I'm such a great friend and what not, but I don't see it. So I moved up here to be with him. Yeah money isn't that great, but doesn't make me all that great. Then that one guy I hooked up with really wants to be my bf. He's not hidden the fact that he has feelings for me. I of course don't see why. He says it's because when we did fuck I was passionate. I didn't just fuck him and never want to talk to him again. Says we share a connection. Where I'm going with this is that I met another guy on Squirt. Don't worry he lives like 50 miles away. I figured oh this is safe. We can just chat. Well turns out he'll be stopping by to visit his family. Well I met him yesterday and today he flat out asked me if I would date him. Yes he knows I have a bf that I'm currently having issues with. I don't get it. Why do these guys like me. Yeah the attention is great for the first second. I don't see what makes me so much more appealing then the next guy. I'm not tall. I'm not handsome. I have tons of baggage. Just wish I could see what they see. Maybe I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in if I did.
I haven't really been a big fan of Xavier. The reason being is that he was one of the many straight guys out there doing gay-for-pay stuff. And by that I mean just jacking off on camera or posing with a dude. With that being said I will say he does look good in this photo.
If ever you see an exercise that leads to sex it is 95% of the time the Bench Press. It of course having to do with the fact that you have a guy standing above another guy. Personally I think assisted squats would make more sense. Will say that as a chest guy having sex with a guy pumped up from a bench press would be very hot.
This is a guy that is hot. Just flat out. Looks kinda like a bodybuilder. The funny thing is looking at the picture it's almost like you are looking at two different guys. The one looking into the mirror does look hot, but he looks more average. Then you see his reflection and you just can't help but have your mouth open. Love to see what type of weapon he's working with.
Part of the fun of blowjobs is the teasing. That's what this picture shows well. The cock is right there ready for an eager mouth, but it's just out of reach. It makes you want it all the more. As a guy getting the blowjob it's fun to tease the guy wanting to give it. Just to see that want in the eyes. Love it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The first video is Doug Jeffries fucking a tall guy. I don't know his name. Just can't help, but notice he's really tall. I never get tired of stuff with Doug Jeffries. The reason is his personality. He's hot and knows it and uses it to really turn on his partner. He never seems to go in half assed. Next up is Jason Kingsley and Brian Hansen. Least I think the other guy is Brian Hansen. I'm crappy with names sometimes. Anyway Brian (maybe) starts off working in the barn when he tears his jeans. Yeah then he starts jacking Jason catches him and they go at it like two bunnies. Third up is the short A letter from home. This is set after the events of the first Muscle Ranch. Jake Tanner is off with the army and he's wondering what Ed is doing back at the ranch. Next is Pedro Andreas. I believe this is from the movie Latin Dream. Or maybe Latin Heat. Anyway this was a dream sequence. You can tell by the fact that you pretty much cum by the middle of it. Last up is Rafael Alencar getting revenge. Apparently he got fired because of complaints and he's not too happy about it. Trust me you want to watch the fit he throws for giggles. Now this wasn't so much my cup of tea since it's basically a public fucking. Rafael grabs the guy in a bar while there are 3 other guys there and has him start sucking his cock. Notice at the lack of action from the other bar guys, but if that doesn't bother you, then you'll like this clip.
Still having mixed feelings
So the torture which is my love life continues to go on. I don't know if I'm seriously staying in this relationship because I'm in love with the guy, or just because I'm afraid of what will happen to him if I'm not. He asked me that point blank the other day, but I managed to avoid it by just saying I don't know what I want from the relationship. I'm going to have to answer the question. There are times where yeah it feels like I'm just there to keep him sane, then others when I do feel like it could work out. Doesn't help that I'm being courted by a hook up. Also doesn't help that I find him attractive. He's basically everything my bf isn't. Just feels like if I was with him I wouldn't be so self conscious. What I mean by that is this guy is gay and has no problems with it. He's not worried what people think. That's good for me. He knows he's hot, but at the same time, I've seen him very vulnerable. He is truly a teddy bear. Just seems like I'm in quicksand right now. Seems like the longer I wait to figure out what I want the deeper I go. Hell just now my car fucked up and I call up my bf and he's all worried about me. I'm just so afraid of what could happen. Guess I have to focus on what I need and if it isn't this relationship I should say something.
Found this video on mymusclevideo (meaning if it doesn't work go to that site click on a free video and reload this page) and it got mixed reviews. It was posted twice. Anyway one guy said that this guy "cock bouncing" on stage was distasteful and gross. Then there was another guy who liked it. I will say honestly didn't look like he was really doing it voluntarily. It honestly looks more like it moved when he did. Plus the only way you would see something that subtle was if you were in the front row. Everyone else probably wouldn't have seen it or chalked it up to him moving.
I find this photo to be quite romantic. Where you are just staring into your lovers eyes while holding each other. I love doing this. Could do it for hours. Sex doesn't have to be involved. It's just being close with the person you care for. Just makes me go aww every time.
Here is another photo of Wade Neff. As far as I know he never did anything with another guy on camera. Don't think there were any Colt studio photos of him with another guy. Pretty sure he didn't even do any videos. Well when I saw this I figured hell I better post it. I don't know much about him. Don't know if he's gay or not. Just that it was shocking to see him get sucked by another guy when he never did it before. It's kinda like when a top bottoms on camera for the first time. We make it a big deal, but tons of guys have already done it before them.
Chris Gabriel (or Marc Dylan) has become quite popular. He's done quite a few films for SX videos and I know at least 1 for Lucas Entertainment. I think the reason why he's so hot (in this case I mean popular). He is a new face and unlike a lot of guys with his build he is a bottom. He's actually quite a pig bottom at that. It's kinda refreshing. Doesn't mean I don't want to see him top one day.
Found this video on mymusclevideo (meaning if it doesn't work go to that site click on a free video and reload this page) and it got mixed reviews. It was posted twice. Anyway one guy said that this guy "cock bouncing" on stage was distasteful and gross. Then there was another guy who liked it. I will say honestly didn't look like he was really doing it voluntarily. It honestly looks more like it moved when he did. Plus the only way you would see something that subtle was if you were in the front row. Everyone else probably wouldn't have seen it or chalked it up to him moving.

Monday, September 26, 2011
Just fyi the first video is a mymuscle video. Go to and click on a free video then refresh this page. Sometimes that's the only way to make those videos show up. Anyway it's a video with Nick Harmon. Now this one might not be everyone's cup of tea. It's starts off as a sort of muscle worship clip, then Nick wraps up the guy wearing a mask and punches him in a gut. Btw amazed that the guy keeps a hard on most of the time. Then he gets fucked. Wayne even pops in. He runs smoking hunks. This was back when he had a decent build. Will also say that Wayne is the guy that shoots the furthest and seems to cum the most. Next up Eric Evans catches a prostitute. The first couple of minutes are super boring. Just plot talk, but when it finally does get good it's worth it. Then again I think anything with Eric Evans in it is worth it. Third up is a Shane Stone solo. Just like any other guy on Hard Brit Lads he has a whopper and knows how to jack. Next is a couple from Opposite Attraction. It's a scene from the first movie. In this scene it's an older and younger scenario. It's their anniversary and the younger guy only seems interested in the game. They have a little "spat" then start fucking. Then it's the first scene from Stiff Security. It's a porno within a porno. What I mean is that it's a porn about the making of a porn. It's fun to watch. Just have to pretend that guy with the camera isn't there or giving directions. Last up is another scene that might not be up everyone's alley. Personally I don't usually go for movies like this, but since I know that it's not real it doesn't bother me. Basically a guy it's blindfolded and forced to suck dick and get fucked. It's another video from Sebastian studios which does well this.
My mind is trying to tell me something
For three nights straight I've had a sex dream. The first night I was apparently escaping some sort of trans-dimensional spiders. One of the guys leading the charge was Stephan Lang. He was the guy who was the big bad guy on Avatar and is the head guy in the new show Terranova. Well apparently we got talking and he got real close to me. I hated him for some reason and he starts rubbing his crotch in mine. And he had a lot to rub. Said we'll get back to it. Sadly we didn't. Ok so it wasn't so much a sex dream as having something sexual happen. The next night I don't remember how the dream was going, but there was Simon Cowell. Yes that guy. He apparently knew my dad so we were really close. Well we were talking and he takes off his shirt to reveal a very nice six pack. I remember rubbing it, but I can't remember too much after that. Pretty sure we did something. Then last night I was apparently in the army (yes I know how ironic that is). I was in my bunk and Jack Radcliffe and some other guy get in the bunk across from mine. I can hear them going at it, but I fall asleep. When I wake up I think I still hear them going at it, but I sit up a bit to find no it's just a cooler going. Yeah don't ask me how those two sounds could be mistaken. Well I walk out of the bunk room and into a somewhat nice house. A tv is going and in that room Jack Radcliffe is sitting there shirtless in his boxers. I try not to stare or make too much noise, but at the same time I want to. Well he eventually wakes up and notices me. He invites me into his bed where I start rubbing his chest. I eventually get his boxers off and start sucking him. After a bit he pulls me off saying I'm doing too good of a job. We kiss then he gets up. Then I think I woke up. The sad thing is that my bf did ask if I wanted to have sex, but honestly I haven't been ready to. The pro-hormone and finding out that I'm going to get laid off has really killed any desire I have. Awake anyway.
Now that's someone that could keep me warm all winter. I'd be snuggled up to that all the time even if it meant I would be sweating the entire time. Just looks like my own personal teddy bear.
The only thing not huge on this guy is body fat. I mean wow. That really is a rare combo of someone with a buff body and a dick that basically matches. Seems like you see really skinny dudes with huge dicks or bodybuilders with not so huge dicks or guys that are decent shape, but with an average dick. Plus this guy's dick is uncut. I could have fun for hours with that guy.
Finally found this guy's name. Sergio Soldi, but in this specific set he called himself Mate Torres. Now I can appreciate a good front like any guy, but rarely do I post back shots of guys. That's not because I'm biased, but because rarely do I see a back that makes me think I'm going to post that. Well this guy has a really nice back. He clearly works on it. Not to mention he's got a nice ass on him too.
Don't remember where I got this photo. I do remember that this one was like the only one where he seemed to be relaxed and enjoying himself. Either that or I'm getting it confused with another photo. I think it's always nice when you see a dick just floating there all by itself. Not being held up by the guy. Just seems like a guy is really in the moment when his dick is hard, but he's not touching it. It's like when you give your dick a few strokes then stop to let it jerk. If you've never tried that, then do it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Continuing on from yesterday's video post here is the final scene of Zeb Atlas Boyfriend. It features Zeb Atlas and Chris Daniels. Chris Daniels is the guy who got fucked by Zeb awhile ago as an audition. I don't personally like twinks, but this one works because it's a bit more muscle worship. Next up is Bruno Bond and David Taylor. There isn't much that get's said here, but then again who needs to with those two going at it. Third up is two guys in the bathroom. If you listen closely at the beginning you can hear a bit of the director giving some directions. I believe this is a scene from Toilet tramps. Then it's time for some fun on a sub. A guy comes out of the shower and another is of course playing with himself. All this while three other guys were sleeping. Who of course slowly wake up and start jacking off. Next three guys try to sort out some stuff. There is a bit of a dialog, but it really doesn't do too much to get you in the know. And Paul Carrigan basically fucks a guy with another guy holding him up. Was pretty nice. Last up is a full length movie. Don't know what the name of this movie is. I wanted to post it before, but it was a screwed up version that I found. Anyway it's an annual get together. It takes awhile to get going, but when it does it's basically 3 scenes going on at once. Plus Steve Regis gets fucked.
Just keeps getting better
As if this month hasn't been hard enough already. Turns out that the 1st week in October I'm getting laid off. Yeah that is the icing on my shit cake. The really terrible thing is that with me getting laid off I have little to do to keep me from going back home. I mean no real money coming in. I of course will be applying for a job. Just know that my bf has been complaining about how little time we spend together, well me getting laid off won't help matters. I'm sure my former boss will ask me to come in and work for him from time to time. Just don't need to deal with this crap. Well it's going to be a new beginning. If I'm forced to go look for a new job I am. I'm also going to start going out at night. I've been up here for 2 years and don't know anyone. If my bf doesn't like it then tough. He's the one that put me in this situation. I happened to stumble onto a photo of a white rose. On the back was some writing. It was something he wrote after we had a fight or something. This was early on in the relationship. Basically saying he doesn't have the right to hold me back. And that's what he's done. Well no more. Yeah the next month is going to be rough. But damn it I'm going to make it through.
This is one of my favorite positions in porn. Probably because I'm starting to really like doing it myself. In this position the bottom can basically fuck himself or get fucked silly or a combo of the two. While the top his free to do whatever he wants with his hands. Personally I like to play with my nips like the guy here. Makes my dick jump a little more.
This guy is a stud. He just has a really great body. Yeah he works out, but it's not his life. I can tell because he doesn't have those 10 pack abs where you know they are constantly focused on what they ear. This guy is a real guy. One you could see on the street. Those are the guys that really make porn fun to watch because they are real.
I love construction workers. They are guys that work with their hands. They are hands I love to hold and have hold me. Plus all that physical work does leads to some amazing bodies. Even the ones that don't look too muscular (not like this guy) are super solid. Wish I could get a job helping construction workers relieve stress.
Jay Cutler has gotten so huge. I hear he does personal training. Wonder what type of trainer he is. I know if he was training me I wouldn't be able to focus.

Friday, September 23, 2011
Well my first video was deleted. Not fun. So the new first video is the full movie Gayracula. I did not make up the title. It's a vintage film if you hadn't figured it out. It's pretty good. I do personally like the first sex scene where the main character gets turned into a vampire. Just because I like those two actors. Then it's Gabriel Shams in a solo. He's kinda what I look for in a guy doing a solo. One with a good build. Has some hair, and looks like he's enjoying pleasuring himself. Third up is a cam guy jacking off. The dude has a great body. I will say I thought he wasn't going to shoot, but glad to say he did. Just wish he did a bit of posing. He has a body that is meant to be shown off. Which actually is a good transition to my last two videos. Remember awhile back I posted a video of Zeb Atlas fucking Skye Woods? Then I said I found where it came from? Well SOMEONE POSTED IT! These are the first two scenes from Zeb Atlas Boyfriend. To get you caught up (in case you missed any of my talk about it) Zeb Atlas is playing himself as a gay guy. He's looking for a boyfriend and has lined up 3 dates. These are the first two. First he fucks fellow muscle stud Skye Woods. I posted this in one of my social groups and the guys went nuts. Yes pun intended. The second one is a bit of a reunion of sorts. Zeb once again fucks Adam Killan. I will say that Adam seemed more in control on this one. He went full on pig bottom which was hot. The other scene will be posted tomorrow...maybe. Depends on if I get time away from the bf to post.
That sucks
I was surfing some sites yesterday and found out that I was banned from one of the sites I visit. It's a forum page where you can download videos. So I'm sitting there trying to figure out why the hell am I banned? It's a pretty laid back site. Basically the only way you'd get banned is if you shared the links, which I didn't. All it says is that I'm banned and that it isn't set to expire. Got no e-mail or anything letting me know what's going on. So I'm sitting here wondering what terrible thing could I have possibly done. I didn't share the files. Yeah I didn't share any videos, but neither does anyone else. The only thing I can think of is that I viewed that site with multiple tabs and it shows who's in a specific forum so I guess they assumed I was some reporter or spam account. Just annoys me because I've never been banned from a site before. I've been suspended, but never banned. Just annoyed because I don't know why. I had to do a backdoor manuever to see if I could find the TOS for the site. The only thing I found was an agreement which basically says don't be an ass and don't share the links. Well I didn't break either agreement. Unless maybe bookmarking is what they consider sharing. It wouldn't annoy me so much if I didn't find such great movies there from time to time.
I love D. Chooi's stuff. He really has a great hand. His guys aren't models, but they aren't a bunch of couch potatoes either. They are real guys. Guys that do have muscle, but don't always have a 6 pack. They are usually hairy and always doing something suggestive. That's why I've always liked his stuff. He draws real men. Men that you'd very possibly see in real life making the fantasy that much more real.

I will take both the shirts if Rocky LaBarre is at least one of them. I saw these on the happy town blog and just had to have them. As I've said before. I find Rocky attractive not just because he's a major hunk, but also because he seems so down to earth. How many guys would lend their face to this and be proud to have it posted worldwide. Not that many that's for sure. Plus he looks so hot in those tight shirts. There is a reason why I made him my porn boyfriend. And I will continue to do that until he e-mails me saying stop. He has my e-mail and would love for him to e-mail me again. Preferably not to say stop calling me your porn bf. I just want to snuggle up with that Teddy Bear.
This guy has major leg veins. Plus I've not seen legs like that up close. I mean the skin is really sucked onto that muscle. Not saying he doesn't have a good upper body, but I am more drawn to his legs than anything.
I want to see this scene so bad. I don't know who I'd consider the more lucky one. Alexsander Freitas is a hot papi. He is just so alpha. Then Marc (a.k.a. Chris Gabriel) is a major pig bottom. And he has such an amazing body. always seems to be begging for more. I would say the lucky guy is any guy in the crew that got to watch this go on.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
First up is Carlo Cox and Albert. Ah two hairy muscle bears going at it. What is there to not love? And that really is all I have to say about it. And fyi two of my videos were deleted so you only get 4 videos today. Honestly didn't see that coming. Well with one I did. In this next clip this one guy just want to sit here and melt. I will say on a hot day I'm the same way. Well the other guy rather have his cock melt in his mouth and ass. Yes it was a lame line, but the sex is pretty hot. No pun intended...ok maybe a little. Third up is two big guys going at it. I will say it does take a bit for the action to start. When it does it's mostly just oral and muscle worshiping. No anal. So if that's what you are looking for then you'll have to skip this one. If you do like bodybuilder types sucking dick and licking each other then watch it. Last up is a solo by Blake Nolan. I posted this because someone I know is obsessed with him. I use to be, but not so much anymore. So I dedicate this video to him. He knows who he is.
So many ads
When I go to these websites to find things to post for you guys I sometimes get bombarded with straight ads. Currently the one that is annoying me is one that plays on xvideos. It shows different women squirting. Yeah that so makes me want to fuck women now. Especially knowing one little fact that makes that, that much grosser. When a woman does that only like 10% of that is ejaculation fluid. The other 90% is urine. Yeah not so sexy anymore. I don't remember how I learned that fact, but I know I posted it here when I found it and told some of my friends. And the annoying thing is that I'm on the gay tags. Or I'll be on redtube and when you click on an ad it takes you to redtube live, which just shows some chick going at it. And a lot of these ads just make me wonder. To guys really like porn where a guy is very dominating over a woman? I mean a lot of the ads that seem to get played are guys that are roughing up women. I'm talking slapping, ripping their clothes off, tying them up. I would assume so since porn is more geared for guys then women. Now I'm not saying the gay ads are really any better sometimes. Sometimes they are hot and do make me want to click. Other times I'm just thinking what the hell. I don't want to see a guy get fucked by a bat. I guess clearly enough guys (and girls) are joining these sites if they have extra cash to throw towards these ads. Or they are just that desperate for members.
So as you all know I rarely post videos in this section unless I find that they belong here as opposed to the video section. Well I saw this video and I found it more interesting than erotic. This guy has a very tiny dick. I'm talking about having to use his two index fingers to get off. It just interests me. And he is straight. Just can't imagine he gets a lot of tail sadly. Plus it's very hard to see him cumming. Just thought some of you might find it interesting. And yes he knows he has a small dick. He's the one that posted it so I'm not being mean.
One of the big vids going around is this one. Max (the guy in the back) fucking Manuel DeBoxer. I will say from what I've seen it's a pretty hot vid. Max is this big straight bodybuilder, which is why it's kinda hot to watch him fuck a guy. Plus he does seem into it. Then again that could just be acting. Wonder what it was like behind the scenes.
This is Nate Karlton (duh). What I like about this pick is the way his dick looks. Just perfectly straight out. Just the perfect for sticking in someone's mouth. And he always looks like he's contest ready. Doesn't every seem like he isn't ripped. He's a very sexy guy, just wish that he had joined colt sooner. Still don't think Colt does him justice.
Dave Stone is so hot. I think I was first attracted to him because of not just his build, but his haircut. I mean it looks like it belongs on a guy in the military or a cop. Plus one of the first things I saw him in was as a cop. He was just so quiet that he intrigued me. Then he did grow his hair out, and still looked hot, but I do love the original Dave Stone look.
So as you all know I rarely post videos in this section unless I find that they belong here as opposed to the video section. Well I saw this video and I found it more interesting than erotic. This guy has a very tiny dick. I'm talking about having to use his two index fingers to get off. It just interests me. And he is straight. Just can't imagine he gets a lot of tail sadly. Plus it's very hard to see him cumming. Just thought some of you might find it interesting. And yes he knows he has a small dick. He's the one that posted it so I'm not being mean.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
First up are two army guys fucking. You can think of it as a belated Hurray for DADT being repealed. Of course this won't be an everyday scene in the army now, but is nice to pretend like it would be. Now this next clip is pretty cheesy. There is a guy who does a few "magic" tricks then makes a man appear out of nowhere. I think I know what movie this is from. A long time ago there was a gay porn spoof of Harry Potter. Eric Evans was in it. I of course can't find anything on it now. Wish I could. Anyway it's two bears going at it. Third up is a solo with Francios Sagat. I do prefer him hairy. And he is a sexy man. Just more fun to see him getting fucked. Then a British guy jacks off. He has a pretty good body, but not much of a talker. Then again he is one of those straight guys doing it for money. I love this fifth clip. I do not know what movie this is from. Anyway a guy breaks into a house and goes to try to steal some stuff when the tv comes on. It's a guy stripping and jacking off which gets him to do the same. And he shoots a pretty damn good load. Just wish I knew what movie this was from. Last up is the final scene of Vampire of Budapest. Yes that is why the top has those obviously fake contacts. Yes I agree they are a bit of a turn off, but you get over it. Now Arpad Miklos was in this movie, but I can say I never found him for sure. Supposedly he's the one getting fucked in this clip, but I don't see it. Doesn't look like him minus the beard. I think he was in an earlier scene at a bathhouse. Anyway it's a good Kristen Bjorn clip, minus the weird eyes.
Francios Sagat,
Jack Off,
Kristen Bjorn,
It's humpday and all I want to do is strangle people. I'm getting agitated again. I think it's because of something I'm dealing with. On the plus side that will be coming to an end tomorrow one way or another. Plus there is something going on with me and my bf. Today when he kept trying to hug and kiss me I just felt annoyed. He hugged me and I felt like I was shrugging away. Don't know what is going on. Then he of course mentions our anniversary coming up. Doesn't help anything. I don't know what in the world is going on with me, but I'd like a free shrink to help me figure it out. Just keep telling myself I have to get through this week and next week. Next week is my b-day, my pro-hormone cycle will be over, and I should be getting back to normal. Think it also doesn't help that I have no one to talk to today. This day needs to be over.
Again I'm not a size queen. I do however appreciate a huge dick. I could have fun sucking that one. As for being topped by it no thanks. I haven't been topped in awhile and that would not be a good starter. Hell even when I was bottoming a lot I wouldn't want something that big. There is a size that is just right to give more pleasure than pain. That one would cause more pain then pleasure with me. Still would taste good.
This is from the large Bo Dixon series Colt did awhile back. It's images like this that make me wonder is he a top or a bottom in real life. I know in the one video he did with another guy he topped, but what about in real life. Is he a big bottom bear or does he only top. Does he switch it up. Just have to say he does have a very fuckable ass.
When it comes to guys in sports, I have a major boner for gymnast. Yeah they aren't the biggest guys around, but they are very flexible and have a good solid body. I mean look at this guys body. I bet he has a very low body fat percentage. Probably is about a 5 all year round. Plus most male gymnast are super cute. My 1st college roommate use to be a gymnast and he was cute. He was also gay, but taken. Did have the body of a gymnast.
It may not come as a surprise to most of you that I like guys in skimpy tank tops. Especially when they are working out. It's like the closet you can get to a shirtless guy at most gyms. Plus if they never wore pants like this guy it would be a real bonus. Btw this guy has AMAZING legs. I'd love to climb all over that.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I must say I love the fact that I allow comments. I just found out the name of the bodybuilder that I couldn't remember. I posted his video yesterday and one of you viewers (Ettore) was able to name him. The joy of a blog. Anyway the first video is the full film Hothouse. This was one of the films Jack Wrangler and Roger did together. I will say it's not my favorite, but it is a good solid film from it's era. Now this next clip just needs two things said about it. They are Jim Ferro. Yeah that muscle stud is at it again. Man I wish I was on the receiving end of that guy. Third up is a bareback threesome. No I did not do that intentionally. This one interested me. Probably because of the fact that they noted one of the tops 1st cumshots. Which meant there was of course going to be at least one more. Just really got me turned on. This next clip was another one of those videos I use to get 15 sec clips of. Didn't know until the end. Anyway Max Grand is at it again with his lover by the pool. He spins a yarn about a water guy coming by. The water guy is hot. In both senses of the word. Well they really go at it. The water guy is just drenched in sweat which of course just makes his body look even more amazing. Next is two guys fucking on the sofa. I will say I was more a fan of the top. Yes for the reason you think. Last up is Joe Romero in leather. Do not know the other guy in the clip. If you like guys fucking and leather and especially guys fucking in leather then you can't go wrong with this last clip.
Jack Wrangler,
Jim Ferro,
Joe Romero,
DADT is dead
It was something that was long overdue. At a time when we are fighting two "wars" we don't need to be selective about anyone going into the armed forced. Especially over something like being gay. I forgot what the number is, but way too many people lost their jobs just because they loved the "wrong" gender. Other countries allow homosexual members. We are just that far behind. It's a none issue over there. It's still a thing over here. The thing is DADT did have it's purpose back when it was first introduced. It was a way that someone could enter the armed forces without being question about their sexual identity. Kinda a way to equalize the workforce. It's like how an employer isn't suppose to ask you about religion, race, creed, or sexual preference. The time when it needed to be removed was when we entered two wars. The gay members were already in the military. So why not allow them to be honest about something. It's not like ever gay member of the military is going out there and dressing in drag saying I'm here I'm queer get use to it. It's just nice to know that when they go home they don't have to hide who's at home waiting for them. Plus a lot of the people in the military know who is or isn't gay. You don't spend that much time with a group of guys and girls without finding that out. I know an ex army and ex navy guy who said yeah there were gay guys. They just kept it under wraps. Hell my ex army friend almost got in trouble for having sex in public with a guy. Well now the next big thing is gay marriage. Me I don't want to get married (to a woman or a man) just yet, but it would be nice to have the option.
Whenever I think of a group of bodybuilders getting together, this is kinda the image I have in my head. There is a lot of laughing and playing around and posing. In reality I'm pretty sure it depends on the situation. I doubt they are too buddy buddy during a competition. Also I think the egos kinda stop most bodybuilders from being buddies with other bodybuilders. I of course could be quite wrong. Just from what I've seen. Some are just very into them self and only like being around people that they are bigger than.
When having sex I do like to be naked and I like guys to be naked, but there are times like this that I make an exception. Having a dick hanging out of a guys fly is hot. Especially when he still has them buttoned up. I'd have no problem sucking that or watching him fuck a guy because I know there is no underwear on under that. Plus the fact that he has cum all over his jeans is hot.
Wow. This guy is so ripped that he looks like one of those muscle anatomy charts. That being said it looks fake kinda. Just seems like he isn't really in front of a wall. Don't know if he was also morphed himself to look like that. I hate that we live in an age where we have to be skeptical of images.
I like guys in kilts. I just do. Mainly because I know there is nothing on under there. Kinda gives you the perfect cover as you are blowing a guy. Plus Dru is a sexy guy period. Wish more guys around the US would wear kilts.

Monday, September 19, 2011
First up is a guy posing and cumming. I posted some stuff of his in the past along with his name. Sadly it escapes me today. Well he does a bit of a posing routine and oils up. Then closer to the end you see his soft dick and legs. Then at the very end he blows a load. Not the best if you are looking for a jack off video, but it is good if you are into guys with a huge upper body. Keeping in a bit of the muscle worship spirit next up is Omar Fabrouk. Omar gets ready for a photo shoot. Pumps up to wake up the muscles. Then he does the photo shoot in various outfits and finally jacks off in his dressing room. Third up is Wade Trent. He kinda is on the same lines as Omar. Just minus the photo shoot. Different poses and mini workouts then he jacks off. Personally I like Omar a bit better than wade. Last up (because 2 videos were deleted) is Chris Gabriel in a three way. Now he also goes by the name of Marc Dylan. I guess Chris is used for anything bareback. Anyway he goes through his workout (just telling us more than showing us) then he gets royally fucked. The dude clearly had fun.
Don't see that everyday
So the other day I was surfing though my usual haunts when I saw something that interested me. I saw this link that said guy with tits gets fucked. So I'm like ok are we saying a guy that's fat with big man boobs or are we talking actual breasts. Knowing this blog you never know. So I click on it. And I was like yeah the guy does look like he has boobs. So I clicked play. It was two attractive looking guys. Then the shirts came off. yeah those were full blown breasts. The thing is that clearly the two guys (yeah both had boobs) were transgender. One even had facial hair and chest hair. So I'm assuming since the estrogen was being wiped out that the boobs were beginning to sag. Then it came time for the sex. Yeah neither "guy" had a dick. So basically dildos were used. So I stopped and said ok I need to rethink my stance on guys with pussies. I find Buck Angel hot. He basically looks like a guy (doesn't have boobs) and sounds like a guy (kinda) and goes at sex like a guy. He just has a pussy instead of a dick. These guys in the clip I watched on the other hands truly looked like hairy lesbians going at it. It was not hot to me. So I guess I know I'm truly gay. I basically need to be having sex with a guy. If he has a pussy I can work around it if he is very masculine from the waist up. That means no boobs.
When I saw this photo I was a bit in shock. If you don't know who that is, it's Vin Marco. He was very big awhile back. He then lent his experience behind the camera for Manifest Men. That's why I was shocked to see him in front of the camera. Not only that, but with a different company. Last I heard he basically retired from being in front of the camera. I'm just wondering about the politics behind the scene. Why did he do something for Muscle Hunks (not that I'm complaining) instead of Manifest?
This guy should look familiar. Give up? It's Wade Neff. To answer the couple of you who just said who's that google him. Wade Neff was one of the big Colt models back in the day. I thought he completely retired from the scene. Apparently he didn't quite do that. There are a couple of photos of him that look pretty recent. So I'm wondering if he retired from his day job and went back to modeling to fill in the time gaps. Something to do now that no one really cares (besides his adoring public) if he does smut or not. One thing I didn't know was that he was uncut. Seems like every picture I ever saw of him he looked cut. Then again you just pull the skin back and at the right angle no one would ever know. Now if we could just get him to do a video.
I don't know who this guy is. Just know that it's from American Heroes. Their big thing is getting firefighters, police officers, and military officials to drop their pants and jack off, get sucked, suck, or fuck on camera. As you can imagine some of their guys look familiar as in they've done porn somewhere else. Others do look like they are one timers doing it for the money. This guy looks like one of them. Don't know what his day job is, but I can believe he's a firefighter, police officer, or in some branch of the military doing this to pay a few bills. He's got the body for it and his look just gives this since of this is the only time you'll see this so get a good look.
I like this look. Guys at the beach and pool should do this more often. I mean that shirt looks so skin tight on him. If you put your hand over his dick and over the neckline you'd swear it was painted on him. I mean wow. So hot.

Saturday, September 17, 2011
First up is Sebastian. I think this is from the movie A1 Straight studs or something like that. It's a very basic jack off clip. He has some smut magazines and jacks off to them. Has a nice cock. Just wish they had tried to do more with him. Up next is three guys by the pool. They kinda play around at first then the dicks start popping out. They do some oral in the pool and some other things around the pool. It's pretty interesting. Kinda long though. Third up is Jack Radcliffe and Tom Howard. Yes I know there is an ad that pops up in the middle of it. Just live with it. It's not there the entire time. Anyway this is from Palm Springs Vacation. I remember this one quite well. I was very much into Jack when I saw this scene. Tom Howard (RIP) wasn't too bad himself. Then it's Vincent Greco. This is a jack off that I wish the 1st one was. You see him explore his body and tease you and really seem to enjoy himself. Last up is Todd Maxwell and some guy who's name escapes me. Yeah I could go look it up, but well I doubt I'll need it again. Think the guy only made like 3 movies.
Jack Off,
Jack Radcliffe,
Todd Maxwell,
Tom Howard,
Oh boy
Well looks like the pro-hormone is working. That is a yay because I'm finally gaining size, but a boo because I apparently have no sex drive. Think it's why I couldn't keep it up with my hook up. I figured this out because my boyfriend pounced on my last night. I'm sitting there on the couch in my boxers (shirt was on) watching tv. He crawls over and lays on top of me. Well then he starts rubbing things and eventually pulls my dick out and starts sucking it. Great the one time my bf decides to be spontaneous and I was totally not in the mood. So we went in the bedroom and I had to think of every single possible porn scene to get it up and keep it up. Pretty sure he was unable to since that something was wrong. I wasn't very passionate and everything he did annoyed the hell out of me. I'm going at him and he won't stop grabbing my ass. Normally that wouldn't bug me, but when I'm having trouble keeping a boner don't play with my ass. So I shot, he shot a huge load and I couldn't have cared less. Yeah was so not in the mood. The worst part is that he said that it was unassisted (no male enhancements). So either way I couldn't say no. Not fun for my ego. Oh and on a side note I fixed the lightbox. For some reason blogger decided to add this feature. Don't know when it was added, but I assume it was around the time when my viewership went down. Wish they had let us decide if we wanted it or not. Personally I just don't like how it looks. Besides if someone clicks on a picture they don't want a box to show up they want a bigger version of the picture.
I posted this because of the weird look of his posers. If you look at his number card it looks like it's on the inside of the posers. Like there is no top part of it. Just a weird looking poser. The weirder part is that if it looks like what I think it looks like that he hasn't popped out.
The guy looking to the camera is Duncan Murphy. The big sexy thing about Duncan (besides everything else) was his voice. He had a deep commanding voice. Very vocal when having an orgasm too. He didn't do too many videos and the ones he did were for one company only (if I remember right). Sadly don't know what happened to him. If my guess is right some lucky guy got to be his boyfriend and is enjoying being fucked by him.
PJ is a bodybuilder from Australia. He was really big back in the day. Of course keeping in mind we are talking about like 2002ish. Anyway he disappeared for awhile then seemed to make a short comeback now he's disappeared again. His website is still up and said updated weekly, but doesn't look like it has. Least if you aren't a member. He has such a sexy accent and a great body. Wish he did something with a studio...besides Jimmy Z. They are very stingy with their stuff.
Like I said I love Kristen Bjorn stuff. The guy in the middle of this super hot sandwich is Carlos Montenegro a.k.a. Freddy Navas. He's another guy that I find oh so hot. Saw him in El Rancho and had a thing for him ever since. He has a great body and great cock. Kristen Bjorn sure did make a star out of him. Now if only he would do something new to put out there.

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