My birthday is fast approaching. I think that plus the fact that it's been a crappy week weather wise, a crappy month everything wise, and customers that are just being assholes has made me a bit cranky. I think also another situation has me a bit on edge. Just want this week over. I'll have my tattoo, have money for a new game system (hopefully) and all this crap will be done. Plus by then hopefully I'll be at a place where I can decide what I want to do with my current relationship. Honestly it's nothing like how I pictured being a guy would be like. Now granted that could be what's screwing me up. I over romanticized it so now no relationship will live up to it. Or I'm trying to do that to counter any thoughts I have of leaving because I'm afraid of what could happen. Ugh I'm so screwed up right now. Don't think that will be changing anytime soon.

Did not know that Jim Ferro did something for Jimmy Z. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Jimmy Z does like to get good looking guys. Just seems like no matter what Jim does it's hot. He just has that muscle daddy appeal. Not to mention he was the first guy to top Samuel Colt on camera which puts him in a special place in my heart.

This looks like a more recent photo of Chris Duffy. I say that because his hair is cut. I must say he does look good with glasses. Then again I am partial to bodybuilders with glasses. Just gives you the impression that they have a strong body and mind. Which is more fun then just a strong body. A strong body is a good one night stand. A strong body and mind makes for a lifetime of fun.

I am not like most guys. I honestly have no desire to suck my own dick. The reason being is that I've had so many bad blowjobs that it's kinda put me off getting one. I will say when I was younger a tried and got close. Now it seems like almost anyone can. I think that's thanks to the internet. It's always guys that have a huge dick or are super skinny. You never see a heavily muscular guy doing it and that's probably because they don't have the flexibility. I always want to ask guys that can suck themselves if it's worth it. Is the sensation really that great or is it more of just something for show.

This picture interests me. Mainly because the posing gel that this guy used has an interesting look. It looks like he is actually sweating. Or he threw water on himself. I don't know why I think that. I'm not an expert, but it's what it looks like.
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