Sorry for the no posting on Saturday or Monday. Saturday I went out of town with my bf and Monday was labor day. We were both off so that meant no blogging.
So something I was going to talk about on Saturday was the idea of straight porn. That is male on female porn. This is something that only straight guys will be able to answer. Why do you watch guy on girl porn. If the ultimate straight guy fantasy is two girls doing each other then why do you want to watch a guy fuck a girl? And on top of that are you picky about your guys? Does it matter if some fat guy is fucking a really hot chick, or do you want a decent looking guy? What brought about this was that I was looking at Zeb Atlas' website. Zeb Atlas is a good looking man with a great body. His website is pretty popular. Now of those views how many are from straight guys? Why are they on his site? These were thoughts I had and I'd love to have them answered, but sadly the straight guys I know I'm not going to ask about this. It's kinda like Ron White's joke about his friend that was homophobic. He then asks them if he likes porn and if he wanted the guy to be soft or hard. Do straight guys watch guy on girl porn because they are putting them self in the position of the guy or is it just the act of sex? I'm just curious as a gay guy. I know why I like guy on guy porn. I like seeing guys fuck. That turns me on. And on top of that do straight guys actually get off watching girls masturbate? I need to borrow the mind of a straight guy to answer these questions.

I swear this scene has to be one that has the most pictures circulated. As you should know this is a photo of Xerxes fucking Shane Alexander. I posted a pic from this set once before. I think what draws people to this scene is that the guys are pretty even. Both are bald and both are these big buff macho men. I think I have the video of this scene somewhere in my porn library.

This guy should look familiar. Give up yet? Well it is a young Bo Dixon. Yeah the lack of beard didn't help. As I said before Bo Dixon is a guy I go back and forth with. For awhile he was calling himself bi (think he still does), but he ended up with a guy. People have also said he was pretty arrogant. Yet it doesn't really matter when you have a body like that. Usually hearing that turns me off to a guy, but the thing is that when I watched his one solo I just got hard because he looks like such a cuddle bear. When I saw him in paging Dr. Finger well....loved that scene. So until I meet him in person I'm going to like him. He sure has always been a looker.

Well this guy is a good looking daddy. Personally I wish he would have taken off the shirt, but what are you going to do. I find that he's just the right size. Clearly he takes care of himself. He also has pierced nipples which is a little thing of mine.
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