You start wondering if your co-worker is gay or not. First let me again apologize for not posting on Saturday. I had a guest come over. Anyway so on the way over to the grocery store on Sunday me and my boyfriend had a discussion as to if our married co-worker was gay or not. The guy that came over Saturday met my co-worker and I asked his opinion. He said exactly what me and my boyfriend said which is that he thinks he's in the closet. He just seems to try too hard to be masculine. It's like he's doing everything he can to get you to not suspect anything. For my bf what he noticed is if ever there was a customer who seemed to be gay then my co-worker automatically says he's anyone else's friend. Such as if I stopped in on him he would say oh your friend that buys the male enhancements was in. You know the gay one. There was a guy that would only come in when my co-worker was working, but he would never acknowledge the fact that clearly he was the object of this guys affection. Then there is of course the pierced nipple fact. He has both his nipples pierced. Why is the question. I can't imagine that there are tons of girls out there that love a guy with pierced nipples. The thing is that most straight guys do not like their chest played with. I assume it has to do with the fact that they do it to women. I'm just thinking that one day he will come out of the closet. I'm sure his wife is subconsciously aware of it. I mean there are so many signs. Besides the nipples things, the guy has tons of fitness magazines. Pretty sure he doesn't throw away any. The other thing is that he notices guys bodies. A lot. He though one of his friends was doing steroids because he saw that he had that pec vein. Hell even I don't look close enough at a guys chest to notice that unless I'm looking for it. Plus when he did his bodybuilding contests he had his male friends do his coloring. All the other guys had their girlfriends doing it. My bf thinks he'll stay in the closet forever. Me I think there is going to be something that happens where he will either have to come out or he will do it because he's tired of living a lie. You know like a lot of guys that hit middle age.

I'm sure some of you know who this is. Art Artwood is his name. In case some of you that know him didn't know, he passed away yesterday. The only details I have are what I was able to look up which is basically he was at a pool party and either fell in or jumped in and had to be pulled out. The thing is that the guy was a giant. In trying to find out what happened I saw that in google if you type in Art Artwood, Art Artwood arrested is one of the choices that comes up. I checked that out. Well he was arrested for steroids. It was a big deal back when it happened (in 2008) and he apparently named some other guys. He since turned it around and had a company that puts out nutritional supplements. If ever I wasn't convinced that I don't want to be a bodybuilder reading all that stuff surely made me think so. Just seems like so few professional bodybuilders don't get into some big trouble when they make it big. Look at Craig Titus and look up Ronnie Coleman.

So apparently Nick Harmon is still around and still doing videos. I don't know if it's his own thing or not. Just know that I saw this pic and saw his tattoo on his arm and said that's new. So I googled him and didn't see anything recent of his. Saw a website, but the domain was down. So if anyone knows of his website please feel free to say something in the comments. I always wondered what happened to him. Seems like he kinda just disappeared. Well apparently the reason is that he started doing more fetish oriented stuff that wasn't so mainstream. From his tweets I can see yeah it was a bit different.

This is Frank Vickers. He's another legendary Colt model. As far as I know he only did one video called Hay Fever. Got to admit the man knows how to take a memorable picture. I can imagine quite a lot of guys jacked off to this picture. A classic beauty if you ask me.
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