So something that I'm working on is not being a door mat for everyone's dirty shoes. What I mean is that I get people that will only talk to me when shit has hit the fan and need me to help them clean it up. Well I'm sick of it. So my supposed "best friend" is currently feeling down. How do I know this? I saw it on his facebook. So then I thought great I bet after like 3 weeks of not saying hello to me he's going to hit me up. And he did. So I just ignored him. Apparently it wasn't very important because after the initial im he never imed me again. Well it's crap like that, that I'm sick of. It's probably one of the reasons why I haven't been happy. Everyone unloads their shit to me, but when I need some help no one is around or they are "too busy". Well basically if he ignores me for another 3 weeks I'll just unfriend him. I guess I've finally grown a pair and won't let people use me anymore. I've already deleted him from my phone. Deleted his boyfriend from my messenger buddylist (not like he ever talks to me), and deleted his e-mail address from my contacts. So the ball is in his court. He can try his best to convince me that he's not just using me (doubt it), or he can just ignore me and I can just unfriend him and live my life.

I wish I was Dean Monroe in this picture. I mean Alexsander Frietas has an amazing body. Plus he's only an inch taller then me, but 25 lbs heavier. Yeah he's pretty solid. Plus he's so masculine when having sex. Always a turn on.

Sadly Bo Dixon only did one video where he actually fucked a guy. I remember when I saw this picture. Either this one or one similar to it, when this movie was just coming out. I was like holy crap Bo Dixon is going to be doing something new. I need to get a hold of this video. Will say the video was worth getting. Anyway when I saw this picture it brought up that old memory. I very rarely get excited about porn scenes anymore. Probably because a lot of the guys I like have either retired or get paired up with guys that I think are wrong for them.

yeah those nips are begging to be played with all the time. And he doesn't have a bad looking chest either. I've seen this whole clip and it's pretty hot. The guy with the nips gets fucked and it's fun to watch him.

So I'm starting to collect way too many pictures so for the next couple of posts I'll be posting 4 pics instead of 3. If you don't know who this guy is then well that's just sad really. This is Dorian Yates. He was the biggest thing in bodybuilding for a long time. He was the reigning Mr. Olympia until Ronnie Coleman came along. What I remember most about him was that he was always in Muscle & Fitness. And like many gay boys that was the closet thing I could get to porn for awhile. Wonder what he looks like now and what he's doing as well.