It's humpday and all I want to do is strangle people. I'm getting agitated again. I think it's because of something I'm dealing with. On the plus side that will be coming to an end tomorrow one way or another. Plus there is something going on with me and my bf. Today when he kept trying to hug and kiss me I just felt annoyed. He hugged me and I felt like I was shrugging away. Don't know what is going on. Then he of course mentions our anniversary coming up. Doesn't help anything. I don't know what in the world is going on with me, but I'd like a free shrink to help me figure it out. Just keep telling myself I have to get through this week and next week. Next week is my b-day, my pro-hormone cycle will be over, and I should be getting back to normal. Think it also doesn't help that I have no one to talk to today. This day needs to be over.

Again I'm not a size queen. I do however appreciate a huge dick. I could have fun sucking that one. As for being topped by it no thanks. I haven't been topped in awhile and that would not be a good starter. Hell even when I was bottoming a lot I wouldn't want something that big. There is a size that is just right to give more pleasure than pain. That one would cause more pain then pleasure with me. Still would taste good.

This is from the large Bo Dixon series Colt did awhile back. It's images like this that make me wonder is he a top or a bottom in real life. I know in the one video he did with another guy he topped, but what about in real life. Is he a big bottom bear or does he only top. Does he switch it up. Just have to say he does have a very fuckable ass.

When it comes to guys in sports, I have a major boner for gymnast. Yeah they aren't the biggest guys around, but they are very flexible and have a good solid body. I mean look at this guys body. I bet he has a very low body fat percentage. Probably is about a 5 all year round. Plus most male gymnast are super cute. My 1st college roommate use to be a gymnast and he was cute. He was also gay, but taken. Did have the body of a gymnast.

It may not come as a surprise to most of you that I like guys in skimpy tank tops. Especially when they are working out. It's like the closet you can get to a shirtless guy at most gyms. Plus if they never wore pants like this guy it would be a real bonus. Btw this guy has AMAZING legs. I'd love to climb all over that.
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