It's been an interesting day today. This morning I was edging and never has the urge to cum been so strong. Usually when I've shot my load the day before I'm good. I can edge for hours without feeling the urge to cum. Actually I'm saying that wrong. I feel the urge, but I don't feel a need. As weird as that sounds. The urge to cum is what edging is about. The need to cum in this instance is the push from my body that takes over my mind where cumming is the only thing I can think about. So I'm thinking this pro-hormone works. Really well. Now when I cum I'm usually good. I am more mellow at work and what not. When I got into work today I was just pissed off for no good reason. And I knew it too. Well that prompted my bf to say the wrong things which pissed me off more. Well we ended up getting into a long discussion. I know I said I'd wait until my b-day before doing anything, but I'm thinking I might have to do something before. The thing is that I'm his whole world. And yeah that would make me feel great, except that it's sadly true. I mean it feels like I'm stuck with him because if I leave he'll just fall apart. I'm just at this crossroad and it's left me so tired.

Great dick and great looking body. Nothing else to comment on.

I posted a picture of Buzz before. I did again just because I'm still intrigued by this man. He truly is one you can't judge based solely on his appearance. He's a cop (if I remember right) not a thug. He's also gay not a gay basher. I chose this picture because in the other ones he is smiling and you can clearly tell there is more to him then meets the eye. This one captures the image that people probably judge him on at first glance. Bet he is a big ole Teddy Bear that loves hugs.

This image makes me think of two things. 1 how sad is it that we are constantly taking photos of ourselves. Even in bathrooms and uploading them. and 2. wonder if I could have sucked him off if I was in the bathroom at the time he took this photo. You got to admit my first point is valid. Why would you feel the need to take a photo of yourself in the mirror of a public restroom? Yes at the same time he is hot so I could kinda understand it. Mixed feelings.
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