Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well this first coupling know how to say Happy B-day. I swear I did not know that this was going to be posted today when I did my normal post. Now I will say I would love for this to happen on my b-day. You only turn [insert any age here] once. Then we have another helping of Niko. I posted two of Niko's playgirl performances and this would be the final one. Well I should say it's actually the 2nd, but the last that you'll see on here probably. Great body, but the long hair just keeps throwing me off. Third up is two guys fucking on a sofa. Not too much to add to that description. Next up is the legendary dirty talker Jon Vincent. Apparently this guy got knocked out and had a sexual fantasy while blacked out. Will say Jon Vincent is the stuff of wet dreams. He knows how to talk dirty and he has that deep masculine voice. Gets me hard every time. Last up (the last video was deleted) is a Str8 Jeff cumpilation. It's a bunch of his different webcam cumshots. So if you like Str8 Jeff like me then you'll like this clip.

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