My boss had a little meeting which kept me from being in the backroom so that meant I had to wait on writing my blog posts. He's usually gone by now. Then he decides to sit around checking his phone and talking instead of leaving. Well I'm feeling good for two reasons. The first is that I have a new follower. I happened to also check out his blog. I'll be adding it to my blog list on the left hand side once I finish these two posts. New followers are like new comments. They boost my ego. Make me feel better in trying to post my stuff. The other reason is I got a response to a letter I sent and it was the one I wanted. So basically I've taken the chip off my shoulders and what will happen is the person will need me for something and I won't be there. It may sound harsh, but with the way he treats me after I do my best to help him with his multiple issues it's not worth the headache. So my stress regarding that has gone down a lot. I also weighed myself and I've now passed my goal weight by 5 lbs. The sad thing is once I switch proteins I bet it will go down a bit, but once I pass a weight mark I can usually hit it again and make it my new average.

Wow this guy is extremely vascular. I can honestly say I don't think I've seen a guy with that many visible veins. That of course can mean two things. One he has great blood circulation (which is a great thing for sex) or he's just really dehydrated. Sadly based on his eyes it's the later, but still wouldn't mind tracing all those veins.

This is a photo to sort of welcome the new follower. He happens to be into big nips and well here you go. I'm thinking that this is a smaller Skye Woods. I say that because of the chest, the tattoo, and the necklace. Seems like Skye is always wearing that necklace. Since there is no face I can't of course be sure. I wonder if this was the pre-steroidal Skye that I heard about. Someone said he was a real looker (I think he looks fine now) before the roids. That his face looked more angular instead of round.

Wow. Now those are some posers, and that is a major poser bulge. I mean it looks like it was specifically designed to barely cover a man's dick. You have to be majorly confident to wear that. Based on the bulge he has quite a nice package. Wonder what it looks like all out in the breeze.

I'm not really a big BelAmi fan. That was when they only hired these skinny twinks. Now they really have aimed to get guys with more meat on their bones. Derek by far is one of their bigger guys. I love the fact that they are moving in that direction. Might pay more attention to when things come out from them if they keep it up.
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