It was something that was long overdue. At a time when we are fighting two "wars" we don't need to be selective about anyone going into the armed forced. Especially over something like being gay. I forgot what the number is, but way too many people lost their jobs just because they loved the "wrong" gender. Other countries allow homosexual members. We are just that far behind. It's a none issue over there. It's still a thing over here. The thing is DADT did have it's purpose back when it was first introduced. It was a way that someone could enter the armed forces without being question about their sexual identity. Kinda a way to equalize the workforce. It's like how an employer isn't suppose to ask you about religion, race, creed, or sexual preference. The time when it needed to be removed was when we entered two wars. The gay members were already in the military. So why not allow them to be honest about something. It's not like ever gay member of the military is going out there and dressing in drag saying I'm here I'm queer get use to it. It's just nice to know that when they go home they don't have to hide who's at home waiting for them. Plus a lot of the people in the military know who is or isn't gay. You don't spend that much time with a group of guys and girls without finding that out. I know an ex army and ex navy guy who said yeah there were gay guys. They just kept it under wraps. Hell my ex army friend almost got in trouble for having sex in public with a guy. Well now the next big thing is gay marriage. Me I don't want to get married (to a woman or a man) just yet, but it would be nice to have the option.

Whenever I think of a group of bodybuilders getting together, this is kinda the image I have in my head. There is a lot of laughing and playing around and posing. In reality I'm pretty sure it depends on the situation. I doubt they are too buddy buddy during a competition. Also I think the egos kinda stop most bodybuilders from being buddies with other bodybuilders. I of course could be quite wrong. Just from what I've seen. Some are just very into them self and only like being around people that they are bigger than.

When having sex I do like to be naked and I like guys to be naked, but there are times like this that I make an exception. Having a dick hanging out of a guys fly is hot. Especially when he still has them buttoned up. I'd have no problem sucking that or watching him fuck a guy because I know there is no underwear on under that. Plus the fact that he has cum all over his jeans is hot.

Wow. This guy is so ripped that he looks like one of those muscle anatomy charts. That being said it looks fake kinda. Just seems like he isn't really in front of a wall. Don't know if he was also morphed himself to look like that. I hate that we live in an age where we have to be skeptical of images.

I like guys in kilts. I just do. Mainly because I know there is nothing on under there. Kinda gives you the perfect cover as you are blowing a guy. Plus Dru is a sexy guy period. Wish more guys around the US would wear kilts.
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