So I'm pissed. Mainly because I'm pissed about something I shouldn't be pissed about. My friend is hanging out with his boyfriend today. And yesterday. And tomorrow. Why am I pissed? Because we haven't talked all day and we usually do. I mean I know he has a boyfriend, but he promised we'd talk on im later. That didn't happen. He's not on today. Yeah I'm pissed off. And again I know I shouldn't be. I mean he deserves to spend time with his boyfriend. They don't live together like me and my boyfriend do. I'm just at that moral crossroad. I want to be mad, but I'm mad at myself for being mad. Could also be the fact that I've been on him to video chat forever and he blew me off on that too. Meh hope I figure it out.

this is the last Carl Hardwick pic I have. By far it's probably the most interesting. Mainly because I've never seen him with that type of facial hair. Really frames his face well.

Found this picture on one of the sites I was on. I really can't remember since I've been on a picture spree lately. Anyway I like it because Vince looks so different now. I mean there he has the shaggy face, but he looks like a young bodybuilder. You look at him now and he looks more average. I'm not saying average body wise, but he doesn't have that shaved body that makes him look like he's a bodybuilder. Now he looks like a guy that just likes to workout. That's the thing I like about Vince Ferelli. He can do something simple such as a haircut or shaving his body and get a completely different look.

I swear a lot of guys in the masters division like to wear blue posers. Anyway you can tell this guy is tall. I mean look at those legs. They are really long. Wonder how tall this guy is. I must admit the pose he's doing is one that can be easily overdone. He's going a in a little too intense. Makes his neck look weird, but hey bodybuilders are not models. As long as their body looks good doesn't matter about the face.
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