Today I'm feeling more self confident about my body image. I guess talking with my friend helped a little. Could be that when I was in the shower today I noticed that I had a legit calf muscle formed. Made me feel better. Then I look in the mirror and honestly I have abs. Still need to work on the chest, but I just felt better. Kinda one of the first times that has really happened. I have horrible body image issues going back to my childhood. I mean I was never fat, but I always felt fat. I mean my neighbor who I hung out with a lot was a basketball player and I mean had a flat stomach ever since he was 7. That always made me self conscious. Then being in middle school and seeing the guys filling out their shirts more and me not. Well again low self esteem. Then having my dad force me to workout didn't help either. High school was the worst because by now all the guys were really starting to look good. By college I snapped. After that and coming to terms with my homosexuality my body became less of an issue. Then I had my ex boyfriend. He loved my ass. Then when we went out for awhile I started gaining happy weight. We all do it. It's the weight you gain when you aren't trying to impress the person anymore. Well he'd start cracking jokes about my weight even though I told him I was sensitive about it. That's when the relationship really started to break down. My new boyfriend is better at not mentioning my weight, though there are times when he says things that make me self conscious. He actually took pictures of me early on and through the time we've been together and yeah I've put on muscle, but when he mentions how skinny I use to be just makes me well feel skinny again. So I push harder at the gym. Probably won't be happy until I'm solid. Like if I could hit 185 lbs and keep my body fat 7% or less I'd be happy. Well today at my 162ish lbs I felt happy with what I saw in the mirror. A real step for me. We'll see how that lasts tomorrow.

I'd buy the house as long as it comes with that piece of furniture. It seems like such a classic pose. I mean it's a fancy house and he just looks like a statue that is just there for decoration. Love it.

Adam Russo is a very sexy man. I managed to find another video with him in it (yay). I mean the guy has a sexy body. Great development. Hair in just the right places, and he has those eyes that just melt you. I mean wow. Bet he has no trouble getting any guy in bed. So hot. Wish him and Dodger Wolf would do another scene together. That would be so hot.

I never did under stand the need for guys to drop their pants like this in the gym. Not that I'm complaining. I mean if you posing to show off your upper body then why do the pants need to go down? Again I'm not complaining just wondering about the logic. Funny how the smaller guy seems to be getting into it more. Why is it funny you ask. Well because I found this image right next to the first.

Yeah guess he really gets into showing off. It's not just dick placement. This guy clearly is getting a bit of a chub going on. Then again if I was around him I'd be doing the same.
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