So the guy I was helping suddenly stopped e-mailing me last week. The first day I didn't worry, but the 2nd day I really did start to worry. So I sent an e-mail saying just checking in, but hadn't gotten a reply. Well he replied today and I just feel so much better. In case you hadn't noticed it, I freak out very easily. My mind wonders from point A to B to Z in no time flat. I mean when we left off he was still in a vulnerable position and I feared the worst. Turns out it was just school messing with his free time. I know some of you might think that's weird, but I'm a pretty over protective person. If someone comes to me in their hour of need and I try to help them, I'm going to be watching them like a hawk. I don't every want them to be in that dark hour again. Plus this guy is about my sisters age so a bit of my older sibling kicked in. Just glad he's ok and feeling better.

This is another image of Carl I've never seen before. I mean I've never seen him with his hair that way or his facial hair in that manner. Worked for him. Plus it's just a great shot of the horse shoe that is his tricep. He has a great classic body.

I go this image from Roids and Rants. It was part of Erik's Chris Wide posting. I didn't post the image because of that. I posted it because of the headline at the bottom above the bar code. Roids on the net? Good buy - or Bust? I'm sorry, but why are you even opening that up for debate. I mean did they actually try to buy steroids on the web? Just seems to go against the point of a muscle magazine. Seems like they always try to give you exercises or how to look for good supplements, not hey if you want to buy Steroids go to this site. Maybe that's just me.

Well this picture is just interesting. I mean the guy in the front just does not look aware about anything going on right now. Plus if you have no hair on the top of your head keep it that way. That weird puff just throws it all off. Then as you cut off the head it looks like a much better picture. I mean he has a great build and his posing trunks are pretty low. I mean you can see his pubes and a bit of the base of his dick.
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