First I'd like to apologize for no post on Saturday. Was still feeling under the weather. Plus my boyfriend was off and wanted to go shopping. Wanted to get me out of the house. Anyway I was watching Divorce Court today and I just found it funny that the wife got all bent out of shape when the husband watches porn. I was talking to my friend and I said that argument always makes me laugh. I mean women make watching porn such a big deal. And it's not just porn. Jacking off too. So my friend said yeah I know lesbians who couldn't care less about porn. I said exactly. Porn isn't really for women. It's for men. Men are aroused by things we see. That's how our gender works. And the funny thing is any porn geared "towards" women has a major guy basis. Playgirl will never admit it, but they know a majority of the buyers are not women. Now I know not every guy watches porn, but a good portion of us guys do. My boyfriend doesn't watch too much of it, but I know he does watch it in the mornings sometimes. Just like I'm sure he knows I watch porn, but he never calls me out about it. Just funny how straight couples make a big to do about it. It can destroy relationships. I even remember a girl at my college who caught her dad jacking off to porn and it was such a big to do. She said the parents went to marriage counseling, and he had to apologize to the girls and all this hub ub. Looking back at it, I wonder if the big fuss was that it was gay porn not straight porn.

I must say I love this picture of Tober Brandt. Like I said many times. He has lots of piercings and tattoos and could be this big intimating badass, but he seems like such a softy. I mean you listen to him talk and it's not this deep threatening voice. And he seems to always be smiling. I mean he's the perfect bad boy. He's only a bad boy in looks. When you get to know him you see that he's this really fun loving guy that is totally awesome and you'd want to take home to meet your mom. Your mom freaks out at first, but sees he's a nice boy and says he's a keeper. Not to mention his body is amazing.

This is truly the Yummi Cosmin I like. He's still massive, but now he's very defined. In the early stuff he did with powermen he really look like a massive guy, but didn't seem like there was much muscle under it. Well clearly you can see that there is little fat on this man. And he still looks massive. I don't know if he is just on a different diet off season, or if he's just dieting like he's going to a competition before videos now, but glad he did it. Looks so much better.

This photo I got off Roids and Rants. I normally don't care for any of the slick it up gear he shows, but this photo caught my eye. Not because of the mask, but because of the model. I mean wow he has a great looking chest on him. Just great. Plus I'm trying to piece together who this guy is. He looks so familiar. If only he wasn't wearing a mask. Anyway I'd buy the mask if it came with him.
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