I was chatting with my friend and he informed me that his boyfriend likes me. No not like as in he wants to do me (though he did say I was cute), but in the sense that he wants to get to know me. That really made me happy for the simple reason that he is the first guy that my friend has been with that has made an effort to get to know me. Well I did set him up with one of my friends, but that doesn't count. After those two broke up he found a guy and he seemed great, but well he wasn't affectionate. He also was the reason why I didn't get to hang out with my friend when me and my boyfriend visited Texas last year. I mean if you want to be with someone you get to know their friends at least. My boyfriend did it. Even though he was uncomfortable as hell. The next guy was there for like 2 seconds. Then a friend of his son met up with him. The guy was 19 going on 20. Anyway he had facebook and he friended me on facebook. I sent him a message, but he never responded. I never heard form him since. I didn't get the feeling that he was too serious. He just came out and my friend was his gay mentor. That's all it was. It became quite clear that he wasn't ready for a serious relationship. This guy doesn't message me, but does respond when I message him. Even commented on my status once. That made me realize he's the only one I truly gave my blessing to. I guess because I'm overprotective of my friends. Even though this guy is older then me I've been out longer then him (not by much, but enough) and been in a long term relationship longer then him so well I watch out for him. Guess that's why we are so close.

Oh I know exactly where this pic came from. It was from a minute men clip called a day in the life of Carl Hardwick. That's where he ate, did garden work, ate again, shot some hoops, stretch/worked out/posing practice, relaxed in the hot tub, then jacked off. I watched it many many times. Just love the full beard.

So if you live in the US and have watched the news yesterday night or today then you know that Congressmen Christopher Lee resigned because this photo was found of him. Well the photo and a few e-mails. Will from Gods Amongst Men mentioned this and I'll just point it out too. Don't buy that it was a woman he was sending this pic to. I mean do straight guys send women photos like this. I mean because I know gay guys send photos like this to each other. Just have a hard time thinking that women want something like this. Seems like they'd want something showing how classy and handsome he is or if he was going to be shirtless in shorts. As many have pointed out he isn't out of shape. Decent looking guy. Just seems so stupid to do this. I mean how many politicians have been caught like this? I mean hey if a congressman sent this stuff to me I'd sell it for a story in a heart beat. Well least he gets his 15 minutes of fame.

I like this picture because it has this kinda classical bodybuilder feel. I don't know how recent this photo is, but just the background and lighting gives it a bit of a retro feel. I think bodybuilders were better back in the 70's and 80's to be honest. Yeah they did roids, but at least they seemed symmetrical. Didn't seem so freakish. Like this guy. Just good size.
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