Yesterday I was not feeling up to par. My throat was/is doing this weird thing. It's better today. Swallowing hurts a little. Well it did give me some time to think however. Well plus it helps that I talked to Scott (guy I hooked up with and remained good friends with). I mentioned how I sent Brock a text and he never responded back. Now Scott is a guy like me. He responds to texts whenever he can. He has never understood why Brock can't at least say he's busy or something. Well we got talking and Scott got me thinking. Why am I letting yet another man dictate my life. Brock had a strange hold over me. I say had because I've snapped out of it. Basically he was dictating my life like my ex. Well only in the sense they were both doing it. Brock was controlling me through indifference. He gave me a bit of affection right off the bat then pulled it back. And I've seen it more recently than ever. I can't think of a time recently where he texted me or came in and asked how my day was. It's kinda just a hey and then he starts talking about his day or his wants. Then on top of that I was willing to throw my ex under the bus for him. He very openly hates my ex. This wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact I have nothing against my ex. For the past two years he has been great. We just had some problems in the bedroom and in the relationship that lead to it's end. I still care for him very much. My best friend basically. I could never see him and my ex getting along. And you know what that doesn't work. So no more Brock. If he wants to be friends without benefits he has my number. If he doesn't then well he can feel free to lose it. Now comes the part of telling him all this. I'm thinking it will have to be done in person one of these days. Not over text and certainly not over e-mail or facebook. He clearly doesn't respond to either when it comes from me.

This is Greg Mitchell. I know this because I remember that it was in a photo set from the Happy Town blog. I chose this specific one because of the magazine in the rack. The one with a shirtless muscle guy next to an M. I remember the days when I would jack off to magazines like that. Then I look over at greg and say yeah he could be in one of those magazines. He has a good solid build on him. Be more of the average man that you see from time to time in those blogs.

Mike Ruiz is Pretty Masculine. See what I did there? I used the title of his latest project to describe him and it's also true. Anyway Mike is just one of those down to earth guys that takes your breath away. You can't believe someone that butch is that normal. I follow him on twitter and he retweets a lot of his fans. The worst part for me is that if I was still living in Texas I could have actually gotten a chance to meet him. And by meet I mean get my book signed by him and drool over him in person. But we must remember he is an engaged man. He sure does have one lucky partner. Then again he says it's the other way around. He's the lucky one.

This photo screams not real to me. It screams like it's a morph or something. It's just the little things. Now I don't know if it's just the skeptic in me or if I've just seen one to many, but I can't help but just think something is off. The face seems to fit the head ok, but the arms and legs don't seem to belong to the same person. The light on his left (right hand side) arm seems to have come from no where. Doesn't look like his body belongs in the room. If I'm wrong then I'm sorry. I'm just looking too hard.

Rusty Jeffers certainly is a specimen. He looks amazing. Doesn't seem like he loses size with age. And he's so vascular too. Look at those bicep veins. Then the part that I love is the return of the chest hair. I have no problem with gray chest hairs. It happens with age and shows he's not one of those vain guys that shaves off hair the second it turns gray. It's a very nice quality to see. Plus it's a rare thing in a bodybuilder. Seems like they always retain a certain level of vanity.
Here is the youtube channel for the guy in the 3rd pic