This is my 801st post. Hard to believe I've lasted longer than 500 posts to be honest. This blog has come a long way from where it use to be. I seem to get a steady stream of viewers. Seems like I get at least 400 views per day. That's assuming that blogger didn't add the light box or do something weird. So I want to thank everyone that regularly hits my blog. I know there are a view because my blog is searched by name. Well by domain name. I'm also sure my Twitter page is helping with that. Hopefully as this blog grows I'll get to meet (in a sense) more people in the industry. It's no secret that I've e-mailed Rocky LaBarre. I'd love to be hit up by other stars. Rising or current. My other big claim to fame is that Ben Archer himself did post on the blog saying he was alive and well. Not only that but lives a few hours away from me. That being said I don't want to get so big that I have to worry about blogger taking notice and deleting my blog. So in short thanks again for the support. If you haven't already please follow me on twitter. My name there is Doeinlights. I do follow back if you tweet. It's also the best way to find my blog if the unthinkable was to happen.

Me and the guy I hooked up with yesterday were talking about what we like in guys. Well he mentioned he loved these low hanging tanks. Where if the pec is in the right spot you get a peak at the nipple. So this is dedicated to him. He knows I do this blog which is fine because I have nothing bad to say about the guy. Always have fun with him.

This is Paul Gator. He is quite intimidating isn't he? The thing is that I've seen him in a video. He doesn't have the deepest voice, but he is built so solid. He's not too tall either which is why I'm sure he's built so solid. Just look like running into him at full speed would be like hitting a brick wall. Love that.

This image has dual purpose for me. 1. it does show that guys can look great no matter the age. 2. shows what I aspire to when I get older. I want to have a physique I can be proud of. In my line of work I see way to many guys that say that they use to be a stud. They use to work out all the time. You look at them now and they are just out of shape. Hard to believe them. So much of porn is focused on 20 somethings (yeah I know I'm one) that are hairless. Well not all guys are hairless and not all guys are in their 20's. Age isn't a curse it can be a blessing. If you set the foundation early.

Yeah I am backed up on photos again. I can't remember this guy's name. He did a solo for Lucas Entertainment if I'm correct. Or was it Lucas Kuzan. Either way he did a solo. He's actually trying to become a professional bodybuilder. Well least he said so in the solo. I think if he has the genes for it. Just got to work hard at it. Wouldn't mind watching him on stage.
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