Got a lot going on today. Today is the day of the sleep over. Was worried that the guy was going to back out, but he didn't. I also got a follow friday from Rocky LaBarre which is nice. He also posted a link to his recently added solo. Where he talks dirty to camera. I can honestly say I always forget how sexy Rocky's voice is. I've seen his guy site solo tons of times, but when I hear him talk it always shocks me. It's like my mind refuses to acknowledge it. I'm not saying that in a bad way. For some reason in my head I don't make his voice deep enough or alluring enough. Anyway the video can be found
here. Watch the preview and try not to get a boner. It's impossible. I so want the full video. I guess I'll have to spring for a membership so I can watch it. Or hope it gets posted somewhere. I also woke up this morning to a new follower. That's always a nice surprise. Means my blog is growing in popularity, but not so fast that it makes my head spin. Oh and my weight is back down to it's average. Around 164ish. Honestly I'm glad. I felt so bloated and heavy at 174. Plus it made me look so flabby when I took off my shirt. Now my 6 pack has come back. Also means I should update my squirt account. The annoying thing is they don't have half marks. They raise the weight in increments of 10. Not 5. So I'm either 160 or 170. So I need to make it 160 since I'm closer to that. I think I still have the mass without the flab I had at 174. Also would explain why my dick has been working better. Didn't seem like I enjoyed sex as much when I was heavier.

I swear I had a sex dream with this guy. He was in these tight black briefs and I was just worshiping his body. Then he sort of flexed his cock and that sent me over the edge. Woke up to wet boxers and a wet spot on the bed. My mind makes good sex dreams time to time.

I find Joey Jordan very sexy. That being said there is just something off with this picture. I don't know if someone morphed it or what. Just looks like his chest is bigger than it should be. Joey does have a great looking chest, but in this image it just doesn't look right. I could be wrong and this could be real and untouched, but to me it looks different. Maybe it's just the angle the photo was taken.

I can see these two as a couple. I can also see them having really butch man sex too. Clearly they know their way around the gym. The guy in the red and black jock has AMAZING legs. Sure he knows how to use them to. Just wonder what the story behind this photo was. Are they getting ready to do a threesome and the third guy asked to take a photo of them in jocks. Are they escorts? So much I want to know. So much my mind has already filled in.

Three reasons why I like this photo. 1. It's in black and white. I think Black and White photos do a better job of showing contrast so a guy's body looks better than in color. 2. He is wearing a cowboy hat. I love cowboys. They are one of the many things on my list of fantasies. 3. This is a vintage photo. I believe from 1976 (based on the e-mail I got this from). I just think photos back then were better than photos now. They had to spend more time working for a great photo. Plus there wasn't all this photoshopping. Just had this realness to it.
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