Working in a nutrition store you gain a passion for what different herbs and berries can do for a person. After all the stress of the break up and fighting afterwards I realized my mood was very much depressed. Seemed like I was just going through the motions. I also noticed my libido seemed to be shot. Yeah I edged every morning I could, but just didn't feel the rush I use to feel. So I stopped and thought. Well maybe I'm having the seasonal blues early because of the break up. So I started taking my Gotu Kola again. It's an herb that really helped me when I was getting off my anti-depressants. I got all the positive feeling without the negative side effects. The one I was taking use to always make me take a nap in the afternoon. Not to mention I had trouble cumming. Well I realized just how off I was yesterday. On Sunday I took a capsule in the morning. I was expecting a hook up, but it didn't happen so while my ex was out I started jacking. Seemed like my dick was just a little more responsive. Well yesterday I did the same. Wow did it make a difference. Yesterday I was so horny. Plus I was in such a great mood. Don't know if one caused the other. Today I'm not so high as I was yesterday, but the effects are still there. I still feel positive about things. Even mended a broken friendship. Well we are on speaking terms. I was also very horny today. Always funny how you never realize how off balance you are until you get brought back up. Plus if it keeps me from ever having to go into the hospital again or be on anti-depressants I'm glad to take it.

The guy in this photo is apparently 39. I have a little trouble believing that. You look at the face and it looks more like a guy who is 45 than 39. Also I think I'm being a bit generous. Then you look at the body and it looks like something you'd see on a 29 year old bodybuilder. It's very much a paradox for me. That being said I still find him sexual attractive. If he is 39 I'd be getting the best of both worlds with this guy.

Ok I admit it this is a bad photo. Face wise. What I mean by that is that I didn't realize that he had this spaced out look on his face. Anyway he should look familiar. He did 2 videos (if I recall right) under the name Mike Grant. Most famous for his huge cumshots. He then sprang up on xtube under the name MsclKink. Think that's the right user name. Must say the guy has stayed in great shape.

Now don't you just want to put a cock in that open hand? I know it's mean to say, but this guy just has this simple look about him. In my head he is just one of those simple farm boys you read about. The ones that just believe anything you say and a body made for sin. Just could see myself luring him into my web. Saying oh don't worry you'll like it.

I am pretty sure this is Big Roger. Of course I don't have a recent photo of him to confirm that. I know he has an arm tattoo, but I can't remember which arm or what it looks like. In the face it looks like him, but it also looks like someone else. If it is Roger he's put on a bit of weight. Not trying to be mean just stating a fact. He's still in decent shape, just not super tight model shape.
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