I think that is an accurate name for today. I'm feeling pretty dark today. I didn't post yesterday because my ex didn't have his dinner until after 4. I also got a shocker when Brock texted me and asked me to come over. So of course that meant no posting. I certainly had a good time with Brock. I always do. It was coming back to the apartment that was the fun part. Just like always my ex manages to bring me down after my great feeling. I get in and just from his reply I could tell he was pissed. I told him I was going out when he said he was doing the family dinner thing. Well apparently I was out for far too long. He was so worried about me being at the apartment all by myself. Going to show how well he listens right? He was gone only an hour while I was gone 2. Why the fuck does it matter? We are broken up. Well it lead to a huge argument. Cementing in my mind that there is no way we would ever get back together. The thing that annoys me the most about the whole thing is that he accused me of going out while wearing cologne. Since he has known me I have never worn cologne. I just don't see the need to. I hate the way most of them smell. He knows that. So he said the scent came from my room. Well guess what was in my room. Scented dryer sheets that his sister got the both of us, and I put in my room to make it smell nicer. Well this morning he apologized and said he was way out of line (no shit) and he's not my keeper. We'll see how long that lasts. I plan on also sending Brock an e-mail. I don't know what it is, but when I'm sitting next to him or talking to him I stop talking. I just want to be held by him and fall asleep. Believe it or not I'm not much of a talker. I'm a writer for sure. If any of you were to talk to me you'd be surprised how little I talk until I really get to know you and even then I might not say much. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Don't know if it will or won't. Things are awkward with my ex and I think they will be for as long as we live together. Don't think he can ever be friends until I'm not in his face all the time.

That would be a lovely sight to wake up to every morning. This is kinda part of the fantasy life I had in my head on what it would be like to live with a boyfriend. Seeing him walk around in his briefs or boxers. Just wanting to come over to him and play with his body and just go down on him. Still my fantasy for one day.

I use to have a smoking fetish thanks to guys like Jim Ferro here. In my early days of porn I stumbled across Smokinghunks.com. It had all these hunks smoking while fucking or getting sucked or smoking while sucking. How can you not get turned on by that. Then I met the guy that took my virginity. God was he an asshole and a chain smoker. Smoking lost a lot of it's appeal with me that day. It's still there, but no where near what it use to be.

He's just big everywhere isn't he? I don't know where I'd attack first if he was to come onto me. He has cute lips, a great chest, amazing arms, a tattoo which I love, nice abs, and of course a dick that needs to be a full mast. It's one of those choices that you have no problem making because you can't go wrong. Just wonder if he's one of those guys that gets off on other people getting off on him.

The classic double bicep pose. Do we ever truly get tired of seeing guys do it? Yes we all may prefer other body parts, but if a guy did a double bicep would you not start drooling just a little bit. Especially if it was a guy like this. I'd kill to have arms like that. Or be able to play with arms like that. Just one of those classics that will never truly get old.
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