I'm not sure if you have heard about this, but there is a man claiming to have been turned gay after a stroke. He was apparently a Rugby player and a real man's man. He was in the gym trying to show off and did a back flip. He injured his neck and suffered a stroke. He claims to have noticed he was a different person the moment he woke up. He saw a hunky actor on tv and got the same feeling he got with a pretty girl. He then said he didn't enjoy the things he use to. He didn't enjoy sports and ended up becoming a hair dresser. He then dropped a lot of weight as well. Not saying that was part of it, but they pointed it out in the story. You could also tell from the before and after picture. Personally I'm really torn with the story. On one hand I'm insulted. Basically it makes it sound like us gay guys have no interest in sports. That's so untrue. I enjoy watching football. I don't want to play it, but I can watch and talk about it. I'm better at baseball. And I have no interest in doing anyone's hair. Basically it feels like he's saying this stroke made him a stereotypical gay guy. Then on the other hand I'm scared for what this means for the rest of us. Think about it. Not too long ago the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders (DSM) a.k.a. the psychology handbook declared homosexuality a mental disorder. If this is studied or duplicated or anything like that then we are right back to being a mental disorder. There would be an even bigger push to "cure the gay". That scares the hell out of me. Then another part of me thinks he's faking it. What I mean is that he did have feelings for guys, but he suppressed them. Wouldn't be the first time. The stroke probably broke down that specific impulse control. Then there is the part of me that says nope this is real. The brain is such a tricky thing. People have woken up from surgery with an accent they've never had before. There is a guy that can do math problems in his head no matter how complicated. You can even suffer a brain injury and end up having what's known as neglect. Where anything on your left is hated or wrong or stupid. There are even cased of people trying to hack off or bite or hurt the left side of their body. So that's why I'm so torn with this story. I want it to be fake in the sense that he was always gay, but the stroke was a perfect cover. I don't want it to be real because again it means that being a homosexual has to do with the brain. More so then it already does.

I love this guy's tattoo. The one on his chest. I'm a Libra which is the scales. I wonder if this guy is too. Usually on libras will actually get scales put on their body. Must say I could have a lot of fun with that chest. I'm sure I'd find myself playing with the tattoo all the time under or over his shirt.

The guy on the left is Luis. I know that because I remember when he was on the Jimmy Z muscle show dvd. One thing I notice is that it does look like his dick is waking up. In fact I'm sure if we were his right side we'd see it popping out of his poser a bit. Enter the photo on the right. Luis is in the back "adjusting" himself. I say it with quotes because it looks like it's a lot bigger then it was. I don't know if he's gay or not, but these images kinda make me think he is. Then again he could just be that into himself.

HOLY SHIT! That is what I first thought when I saw this image. Jim Ferro has gotten HUGE! I mean he wasn't small to begin with, but he just looks like he bulges even more now. There were three photos of him, and I thought this one made him look the biggest. Man I so want to see the clip. That body needs to be worshiped all the time.

I think no one has had a more dramatic change over his career than Donnie Russo. Donnie was very much a verbal top. Had that military haircut. Then towards the later half of his career he was almost always bottoming (which was still hot mind you). Then not only that his hair went blond....well blondish depending on the video. He got TONS more tattoos and piercings. Basically what you see in front of you. I personally don't know which one I preferred. I will say that the first Donnie was in a lot more main stream stuff and was easier to find. Then when he went through this change he got more into fetish stuff. Kinda like Nick Harmon where it gets a lot harder to find. He has a website. Don't know how often it's been updated since I'm not a member. donnierusso.com btw.
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