Been a fast pace day today. I had a hook up earlier that took me by surprise. In the best possible way of course. This guy contacted me on squirt. His picture is him holding up his shirt and his pants lowered showing his soft dick. I saw that he was 55 and put "stocky" as his body type. I didn't have too high hopes on what I was going to get with this guy. Well the guy that showed up at my door far surpassed my expectations. The guy was very solid. Reminded me of Brock to be honest. I mean the guy had a solid chest and his arms. I brushed up against it while it was being flexed and damn. It was fucking solid. Then his legs. Oh how he had amazing legs. And I looked at him and I swear he looked like he was in his forties. I had a good time. I didn't end up topping him though. He was on a tight schedule. I'm sure if we went right down to bushiness I might have. To be honest I didn't feel the urge to top him. I haven't really been feeling that urge too much. I think the reason is that well Brock is really starting to become the only guy I'm interested in topping. He's also the only guy I want to top me. Least for now. I hate that I fall so easily. The thing is that I'm sure Brock knows exactly how I feel, but I have a hard time reading him. Wait how did I get on my worries with Brock. Anyway I'm hoping to see the guy again. I swear I just want to worship his body.

So I got an e-mail from one of my yahoo groups and it had this in there. This and 3 others and a few other images. It looks like it's a cast profile from Kristen Bjorn's World of Men. I will say that it does say a lot. They were all kinda similar in what turned them on and hobbies. Most of the guys loved to do something that worked their bodies and wanted someone that would do the same. Mark is the only one that specifically pointed out kissing. I've also not run into many guys that find Cock rings as turn ons. Usually if they are in a video the comments just go to town about how they hate cock rings. I personally have nothing against them. Makes your dick hard. How as a gay man can I not like them?

What a view. A guy with a great hairy chest getting his dick sucked. My kinda photo...well obviously it is on my blog. Nothing really to add to that. Just that I love when a guy enjoys sucking dick.

A lot of guys neglect their legs which is really sad. Not these guys. Show me a guy with good legs and I'll show you one with a good ass. Or in this case three. Not only that, but it means there is power in that lower body. In bed these guys would blow you away. The could squat on a dick no problem, grind it, or top in any position. That's why you got to pay attention to the legs. No leg muscles means no thrusting power.

I truly do have a love hate relationship with Tom Katt. I loved photos and videos of him back in the day. I hate what he has become. Just don't see how he went from talking about how he loved being gay to a born again "straight" guy. Guess the body did hide a lot of internal turmoil.
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