For those of you that don't live in the US tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A holiday where we are suppose (you got it) give thanks. If you really need to know the history of it then just google it. I will be doing nothing special tomorrow so I'll have a post tomorrow. My ex will be having a late Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow with his family. I will just be getting calls from mine. I don't do the traditional Thanksgiving meal. Haven't for awhile. I think it's because of the cynic in me. So basically I'm just going to watch football, pop some pasta in the oven, and watch porn when my ex goes to visit his family. Brock is spending time with his family so he won't be entertaining me. Kinda fine with it. The funny thing is that everyone I tell that I'm not doing anything immediately tries to get me to go somewhere. Oh you could go to the community Thanksgiving. Not going down town just for food and dealing with possible customers. Specifically an older customer that I appreciate the thought, but I really have no interest in doing anything Thanksgiving related.

He looks like a massive dude. I can't help but notice the weight on his shaven armpit. I don't think he shot all the way up there based on how it's running down his dick. Which means it's deodorant. You'd think someone in make up (because there is a make up department for these things) would have said hey let me wipe away this gunk here. Also back to the shaven armpits thing. I know bodybuilders do it, but why? What's wrong with a little fur under there. Don't think the judges would dock you if you had a small patch.

.... wow. That is all I can say. I mean he has a an amazing chest. Just flat out. Strong arms and look at the ridges on his stomach. I also love his necklace tattoo. Just makes his pecs and neck and traps stick out more.

These are different photos from a scene of Kristen Bjorn World of Men. In this scene Adriano Marquez plays a straight biker. He leaves his chain at a beach and Carlos Morales and his friend find it. Adriano is then reunited with his chain. They then start seducing him and offer him money to suck and get fucked. It was a very hot scene. The only annoying thing is that they kept showing the girlfriend waiting on the bike. Then had her walk in as he was finishing getting fucked. Wish they had her wait until he was done. Killed my boner.

Who says shadows can't be your friends. This was a very well done photo. At this angle it just adds to his definition. Plus you can see that his poser sticks out just a little bit from his body. It's like he's practically wearing nothing.
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