Around this time of the year my seasonal blues kick in as mentioned before. Which means that even with my herbal help I'll still freak out. I had such a freakout on saturday. My ex texted me to let me know that he talked to the lady next to us. He said it was interesting and he'll tell me later. Well I thought nothing of it. Then while looking at porn all of a sudden I started freaking out. One specific thought went through my head. OH FUCK HE KNOWS! The thought that she told him she saw men coming and going from our apartment or that she may have heard something just wouldn't leave my head. I truly started panicking. Texted Brock and he answered. Which is good because I wasn't planning on texting him. He calmed me down. The sad thing is that I'm sure that won't be my last random freak out. Oh and yeah he knew nothing about my hook ups. She was just a chatter box that took about an hour of his time and showed him her place. Anyway I'm sure I will freaking out much worse and much more often in December and January. Plus with the move coming up I'm just going to be a wreck. Weird that Brock is volunteering to put up with this crap by being in a relationship with me. Still don't know what the hell he sees in me that he couldn't find somewhere else in a less paranoid body.

Must say that Carlos Morales knows what he wants doesn't he? I must say that we have kinda similar turnoffs. I personally don't like feminine guys either. I am a homosexual man. I want a guy not a girl in a guy's body. Not looking for Conan, but someone that is just a normal guy. Inconsiderate falls under the same line as jerk. Don't know how many times I've said that is such a turn off. As for poor personal hygiene. That's kinda a given. No one likes a funky smelling guy or one that can't take care of himself. He doesn't need to spend an hour in the shower, but at least know what a bar of soap does. I've been with guys with nasty breath or smelled terrible. Makes me loose my boner.

Well he's all smiles. Then again I would be too with a body and dick like that. In every photo he had this huge smile on his face. A smile is always a nice thing for a guy to wear. The thing is it has to be genuine. In this image it's kinda hard to tell. I think he was truly smiling and not doing it because they said so, but also looks forced a bit. A good smile can send a loud message to everyone around you. Means you do have a good sense about you and that you don't take yourself too seriously. Think about it. Would you rather approach a guy scowling or frowning, or the one smiling and having a good time?

What shiny posers he has. I posted this because I don't know why guys choose posers that draw so much attention. You want everyone looking at your body not your dick. Plus from what the customer who recently did a show told me, "you want to have dark posers because that paint on tan stuff stains. Can make it look like you shit yourself". With that lovely image I then focus on his stomach. It always amazes me when I see guys with abs that are kinda separated like that. Kinda cool and weird at the same time.

I was talking to the guy I hooked up with on Friday and he was amazed that I'm still in the closet with my parents. Knowing that society is more accepting now than 30 years ago. Which is true. Guys like Gareth Thomas who show that just because you are gay does not mean you can't be tough. As more celebs and athletes come out it shows all those people that gay doesn't always equal feminine. Gay does not always equal hairdresser. We are normal people. We just have same sex sexual preference. That's it. It's why society is shifting. My generation is ok with it because they know that gay people are our friends and neighbors. They can be our plumbers or construction workers. We still have a long way to go, but we are a lot closer than 30 years ago.
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