That is the motto I'm trying to keep in mind this week. In the day and age of twitter and facebook it's easy to reach people or know what they are doing most of the time. I'm one of those people that is typically available 24/7. I'm usually always on facebook and twitter, and try to always answer any texts I get. Well not everyone is like that and I'm trying to not take it personal. For instance, Brock texts. Not all the time though. There are days when I text him where he won't answer and others where we have a full blown conversation. I never know when it will be. So I've been trying to remember that he isn't me. He doesn't always answer texts. He will if I am in trouble, but not if I'm just bored. Then there is the guy I was suppose to hook up with on Sunday. He doesn't really answer his texts either. You really do have to initiate a conversation with him. Then there is another guy I hook up with that answers texts pretty much all the time. Yeah so every guy is different. I just need to remember not to take it personal. Sadly it's easier said than done when feeling down. Luckily I haven't been feeling too down lately.

Pretty sure Eric Evans was my first porn star crush. I've just always been attracted to him. Loved everything he's been in. I don't know what specifically it is. There are other muscle bears out there that I never crushed on. Just something about his personality rings with me. Kinda like how after just seeing a picture of Rocky LaBarre I knew that I'd have fun watching him in action. Wonder if I was ever to meet Eric if we'd hit it off.

Lately I've been getting a lot of hits on my blog from searches of Austin St. John. So I'm going to set the record straight....again. The guy in question is this guy here. That is Brock from Sean Cody. He is not Austin St. John. They look alike, but if you look at a picture of the two you'd see that they are not the same person. Brock has naturally curly hair. Austin St. John does not. Plus this guy is in better shape then Austin. So to repeat. Austin St. John has not done gay porn. The rumor started when this guy did a video for Sean Cody. Plus if you ever get a chance to see the video you'll hear that they sound nothing alike. Brock's voice is a lot softer than Austin's. And this is coming from a guy that had a crush on him when watching power rangers.

A picture of Dodger Wolf and Adam Russo. By far one of the hottest porn scenes I've ever seen. The two just really meshed. It worked in the context. It was easy to believe that Dodger is this straight married guy and Adam is his wife's gay best friend. And the seduction was so slow that it just worked. Then when the started fucking I almost lost my load the first time. I still barely make it all the way through even skipping around. Love this video.

Not a lot of guys appreciate pre-cum. I think it's because not a lot of guys do it. When I see a guy dribbling pre-cum I know that I'm arousing them just right. Plus pre-cum taste AMAZING! And if you can get a guy that leaks a lot it's fantastic. Plus it does make great lube. The only annoying thing is that it does dry and gets sticky and flakey. I myself pre-cum a lot. Especially when edging. I can flat out have a min-orgasm that leads to a flood of pre-cum. My cock is oh so sensitive once that happens.
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