Seems like it's the same song with me. Yesterday I went over to John's to watch the super bowl after my ex upset me. Basically told me in an e-mail that I should look for another place. And it just escalated and escalated until I just had to get out. Well he's hurt me pretty bad today. And I don't think I'll be recovering from it anytime soon. I also need to change when I post my blog. Turns out my job isn't going to allow me to have my computer at the office anymore. Least on weekdays. Possibly the rare times I work Saturdays as well. Wasn't exactly in a mood to argue or listen. The thing is, is that it's my fault. I did tell my ex we were going to watch the super bowl and get a pizza together. I am the one that skipped out. The funny thing is that my ex has called me a fraud and said I don't know what love is and that he knows John is just going to leave me. Yet I didn't argue with him. Didn't feel hurt when he said that thing about John. He honestly has taken the fight out of me. Plus I know that he wants to do some act of revenge when I get home. I really don't care anymore. I deserve it. Couldn't even go to the gym today. Pretty positive that he's going to want me out. Don't know when. I do know I'll have to get another job and hope I can come up with enough to pay for a new place. Which will be hard since my name is on a lease until June 2013. Can't see any place wanting to rent to me. So I guess it's all big talk when you stop and think about it. Still hurts though.

Goldberg was a wrestler I truly had mixed feelings for. I thought he was cute then sometimes I couldn't look at him. In this picture I find him super sexy, but it seems like the character he had to play for the WCW was just so unappealing. The funny thing is there was a kid at my elementary school who had a dad that looked like Goldberg.

I love cuddling. Nothing better than holding another male body. That tends to be the little spark that wakes my dick up. Plus after sex it's a must for me. I always thought that this is what a relationship would be link most morning. Waking up with your arms wrapped around the man you love or vice versa. Sadly this wasn't how my last relationship was.

The super bowl was yesterday and I just wonder if some players looked exactly like this. Probably not right in the locker room because of all the press, but mentally. Just wanting to take off all the sweaty jersey and pants and just relax. I'd like to think that's what they would do if they were left to their own devices. Along with other things of course.

I don't know why I enjoy this picture so much. Don't know if it's the look or if it's the thought of touching that arm. I'm sure it's the look. I'm a sucker for a guy that will take charge.
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