We all have that nagging voice in our heads that makes us second guess ourselves. Well sadly mine never shuts up. Last night John sent me a picture of him shirtless fresh out of the shower. That's a big deal for him since he doesn't take photos of himself without clothes. Well he was suppose to come over today, but didn't feel well. So I won't see him for awhile since he's leaving to go home tomorrow. And he felt bad and said we need to reschedule. So I basically sent him a text saying hey I know it's early, but can we set up something for next Friday and/or Saturday and something for during the week? He's constantly asking me to spend the night, but I keep saying not until we have more dates. And also not until he officially says we are a couple. Anyway he hasn't responded, but if he truly isn't feeling well I'm not shocked. Plus he'd be at work now. So I'm not going to say anything else. Anyway the thing that is now nagging me is the thought that there is another guy also in the picture. Now this thought was a lot louder earlier today. It's a lot quieter now. I think because I just talked myself out of it. Just wish the god damn nagging voice would stop for once. So now when I do get him alone I have to ask or it's just going to keep biting me in the ass. Man I better keep it together or I won't even have a prospect for a relationship anymore.

This photo seems like one of those artistic nude photos. Where we are suppose to think on it harder because the model is nude. Sadly that actually works on me. The guy has this worried look on his face and I can't help but wonder why. Now that could be because I see the body and think this guy is an attractive man. What could have him so worried. Did his boyfriend leave him? Did they get into a fight? My mind can't stop thinking of possible scenarios.

Once again I love upward angled photos. Plus throw in a leather chest harness and it makes it oh so much hotter. I love chest harness because they tend to hug the chest just right. This guy is no different.

This is a pretty recent photo of Rusty Jeffers from Flex Appeal. I must say I did like him with that mustache and a bit of body hair though. Not that I have a problem with him cleanly shaven. Rusty is just a guy that will forever make me weak in the knees and I'm sure I'm not the only one. A lot of us grew up to images of Carl Hardwick and you can kinda see that in Rusty, but at the same time there is something different. It really does seem like they are two different people. Just wish he'd bring Carl back for one more video.

Sadly how many handymen do you know that look like this guy. I'm not saying all are these out of shape guys that look dirty all the time and smell, but how many look like a buff mid to late 20 year old. I'm terrible with guessing ages btw. Anyway it's a shame too. In a field that requires so much physical activity that guys let themselves go the way they do. Then again look at construction workers. Not all of them look like this guy either.
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