For the past few days my head has kinda been in a fog. It's making me tired all the time. Makes it hard to focus as well. It might have something to do with my new pre-workout. Anyway yesterday was my date and it didn't go too hot. The movie was fine, but we went to dinner afterwards and it just seemed like we didn't have a spark anymore. Plus I found out that he may not even be in the area come summer. So that kinda makes me wonder if I should be even putting more effort in. He can either be moving to the city I'm in (which isn't a big move for him) or he could be going to another state. When you hear that it's almost a deal breaker. I don't have any right to tell him to stay because I'm not his boyfriend. Then to top it off he hasn't even texted me. Then to make matters even better I'm not the least bit horny. Not even a little bit. Don't feel like looking at porn or having sex. I don't know if it's because of the fog, because of John, or just from being tired. After my date I laid on the couch and never got up. Slept there all night in the clothes I had on. Yet my day could get "better". Brock is suppose to stop in to get a testosterone booster. He wasn't in yesterday so he could come in today. I really just don't want him to. He always seem to know when I'm not in the mood to deal with him and shows up. He has no problem telling me all about what's going on with him, but only asks me about mine out of curtsy. He doesn't really care.

I wonder what made this guy take off his shirt. I'm not complaining mind you, but I am curious. Was it that hot, or was this guy in a strong man competition. Certainly a big fellow.

You can say a lot about Sean Cody (especially about there recent push of bareback scenes), but they do find some pretty hot guys. Derek (the one standing) is one of those guys. It's actually kinda rare for Sean Cody to find a guy built like this that will actually have sex on camera with another guy. Seems the most a guy like this will do normally is get a blowjob. Not only does he get a blowjob, but I but he kisses guys, tops, and bottoms for them. Kinda wish I could see Derek's solo interview. Sometimes I just like to hear the characters they gather up.

The source I got this photo from says this is a naked Rusty Jeffers. I will admit that it could be, but without seeing the face or another picture from the same set I can't stand by that id. Whoever he is. He certainly looks as good leaving as he does cumming I'm sure.

I saw this picture on Roids N Rants and just had to post it myself. I haven't been keeping up with Raging Stallion lately so I don't know if this is an older video (like in the last year) or something that will be coming out. Either way it's kinda a big deal. Zeb Atlas has his own production company. He doesn't have to work with another studio yet he did. I wonder what goes on in this scene. Whatever it is, Zeb looks smaller than I've seen him recently. Which could mean he's cutting. Sadly without seeing his right arm I can't tell how old or new this image is. The size of the tattoo tells the tale.
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