First I'd like to thank Vic for the heads up in comments. The guy I posted first goes by the name of Alex and is on Big Muscle. Like most porn stars. I'd be on there too if I didn't have such a frail ego. Anyway I was going through my library of porn and I found a few that got me thinking. No literally the porn got me thinking. They were some of the vintage stuff I had where porn actually had a plot. I mean think about this. Porn use to be in actual theaters. It was more viewed as a way of expression of the director and writers than just about the sex. Basically you could watch the whole movie and skip the sex part and still find it enjoyable. I'm talking about movies like Hold Me from Falcon to things as recent as Out on the Con or Out on Parole. The thing about technology is that it's gotten so easy to mass produce porn. There isn't too much special about it. It's all about having the perfect models and getting it out as fast as possible so there are a lot of cookie cutter scenes. Back then it was a big deal with a porn came out. There was a lot of time spent working on it. Each scene kinda enhanced the plot, but could stand on it's own. Now it seems like the scenes are simply stand alone scenes. Not really connected to each other. I guess I'm one of the few people that really cares about some plot in my porn. I can't help it. I think that having a plot and subtext can really enhance a scene. Seeing lovers get separated then reuniting at the end does something to me. Seeing a guy that had a crush on the high school quarterback who gets a chance at him years later does something. It makes it more relate able and makes it hotter in my opinion. If I was to start a porn company we'd have porn with a plot. I'm not saying that it would have great acting, but at least enough to get a person drawn in and really want to see it to the end not just for their own personal climax, but to tie the loose ends in the story. Now keep in mind I'm not knocking what is out there right now. I just would like to see more of the old school porn that followed a character or plot device. Kind of like the movies Eating Out. There is a plot there, but you certainly don't mind the sex scenes. I'd want my porn dvds to be a bit more like that minus the over the top humor, but the drama and romance would be nice with a bit of humor.

The lat spread is one of those poses that has become very popular. The funny thing is that the best was to show the lats is to do this pose with your back to the audience. Doing it front on really shows the pecs off more than anything. I don't have a problem with it, but I'm just saying. Think it's miss named when you are doing it with your front towards the audience.

I always find those pose distracting when a guy's dick is positioned at 12 O'Clock. Just makes you focus more on his dick than his abs. Yes his dick is now pointing at his abs, but it's so obvious in this pose.

I was sent this picture from one of my yahoo groups. What caught me off guard was the fact that for a split second it looks like this really takes place in a bedroom. then you look closer and realize it's just a cut out. This is another video I need to see. I want to see Rocky pound Allen Silver and vice versa. Plus I think Rocky can easily pull off the "I'm a married straight guy" thing which just adds to the scene.

He's another photo of Rusty Jeffers. I do believe he's thinking. Makes sense to do a pose of a sculpture when you think about it. The sculpture is a work of art that has been around for hundreds of years showcasing the human body. A bodybuilder is sculpting his or her body to be a piece of art.
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