I've always thought I'd prefer to be a werewolf, but lately I'm thinking being an incubus wouldn't be so bad. I mean if you were an incubus you'd have some incredible sex. Now granted there is the whole killing your partner thing, although it depends on which story you are reading. The original of the incubus and succubus was all brought about to explain nocturnal emissions. Also to explain away the actions of men for having sex with women at night. It then grew to be that they simply drain the spirit of the person so they feel a bit out of it for awhile. Lately it's grown into sucking out the souls of their victims. So that part would suck, but if it was simply leaving them a little weak in the knees then who cares. Good sex always does that. I use to want to be a werewolf based on a lot of the fiction out there, but again it all depends on which story we were reading. If it was the one where you are literally cursed like in Wolfman then no thanks. If it was where you have control over it and it makes you a little bit more alluring like in the movie Cursed then yeah I could have lived with it. But I guess when you think about it it's not something we have to deal with. Not like tomorrow we are all suddenly going to be given a choice on this. Just something I've been thinking about since I've been watching Lost Girl. Which is a good show btw.

I like this image because it makes me think this guy is having some pretty dirty thoughts going on. I don't know what he's looking at, but I assume it's something the woman is doing. The look on his face leads me to believe he's thinking some things that might make that pouch a little snug. I'm sure we wouldn't mind seeing that.

This is one of the images I found on the Happy Town blog of Jim Ferro a.k.a. coach Bob. There were a few of Jim in posing trunks that looked like they were taken before or after a competition. It honestly isn't a shock that Jim did some bodybuilding. I mean the man has an amazing build to him. Kinda hard not to see him in at least one competition. And he's aged so well. Again more proof of why I need to stay active through the years.

There seems to be a bit of room in that guy's posers. I've always wondered which do bodybuilder's prefer. A very snug poser or something that leaves a bit of room? I know me personally I don't like my dick moving around so I'd want a tight one. If it moves around too much it likes to wake up.

I'd love to chain him to that chair and just suck him off. It's one of my darker fantasies. Getting a bodybuilder and restraining him so I can just worship his body and get him off. I know the chances of that actually happening are very slim unless I get an escort that lets me do it. Would be fun though.
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