I'm ready to skip today now. I was in a great mood yesterday. Not just because Rocky LaBarre not only loved my review, but tweeted a few times, but because I just felt ok with myself for once. I didn't cringe when I looked in the mirror yesterday. Well that changed late last night. I tried to set up my ex with a guy that I'd been talking to. Hoping they'd hit it off. Well I talked to the guy last night while my ex was waiting on an e-mail response. So he gets pissy at me. I ask him what's wrong and he accuses me of leading him on about the other guy and to fuck me. I explain I said nothing about him and it's as much a shock to me as it is to him. Well he then apologized and went to bed. Well at the end of the show Lost Girl (which I like to watch obviously) he comes out and says he has a thought. He says he feels sorry for John. Yeah that look you just made is the one I made. My ex then continues on saying that I say that John is the love of my life (I have never used that phrase to talk about John) and yet I'm out there flirting with other guys. Ok I don't flirt because I can't flirt. And on top of that I was just talking. Specifically about how I hate winter and the snow. So after a long and very angering conversation he basically sums it up and says he hopes I don't get a reputation in this town for being easy. Yeah needless to say I was not happy going to bed. Then to make matters worse he continues to go on about it this morning on the way to the gym. So my V-day started off with basically being called an easy slut who doesn't deserve a man. Then on top of that I don't like Valentine's day anyway. It has almost nothing to do with the fact that I've been single 22 out of the 24 times I've lived through it. No it has to do with the fact that I just don't like holidays. As I've gotten older I just don't see the spirit in them. Why is it today of all days couples have to be especially loving. Yes I know this seems like something a romantic, wouldn't say, but that's kinda why I'm saying it. Why is today any different than the other 364 days of the year. Why do you have to give chocolates or jewelry or cards today of all days. Can't you do that any other day? I just don't see the point. My ex always tried to get me into it, but I never did. I got him a gift and I did do romantic things for him, but why did I have to do it specifically on Valentine's day. Yep I'm not in a good mood today.

I saw this gif on the squirt blog and just had to post it. I have never seen this position done before. Must say it is very intriguing. It's kinda like when a guy sits on a chair and the bottom sits on his dick, but this time the bottom is really in full control. I'd love to try this out that's for sure.

I think this guy has a very nice body. Yeah he's not some guy with 6 pack abs, but you can tell there is muscle there. That honestly is a body type I am attracted to. A guy that does have muscle on him, but isn't so vain and fixated on his body that he doesn't look like a model. Not saying I would turn down a model, but I'd be more attracted to them if they looked like kinda an average person. The guy here is a guy that I'd love to cuddle up to. I don't like cuddling up next to very lean guys. Just not much to snuggle up to.

Well this guy is in full display. I do love the lat spread post. It's one of my favorite poses. Now what I will say about this guy's bulge is that it appears that he has very big balls. I do wish that bodybuilding was a sport you did naked. I mean what better way to show off the human body than when it's not covered at all.

I've seen this pose before. It's suppose to display the development of the Hamstrings. Or it's just that he was moving his leg to do a side chest pose and it was caught in mid air. The funny thing is that when the hamstring is flexed it actually does resemble the bicep. The part that does is actually called the bicep femoris. It's one of the three parts of the hamstring. The more you know.
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