Tomorrow is suppose to be another date night for me and of course my brain has gone to a negative place and I can't really stop it. I haven't heard from John since 2ish yesterday. Which is odd because he usually texts me late at night. So I haven't heard from him in over 24 hours. Plus it seems like he never wants to talk to me on grindr. So is this me just being paranoid or is there something to it. I don't know. Well obviously if he doesn't talk to me tonight I'll call him tomorrow. Just doing the little things to keep myself sane. Which is a full time job obviously.

That is a big dude. I'd like to think that this is the build I'm capable of. As you can see you can tell he is muscular, but he doesn't have the traditional 6 pack that you see, yet you know he does have abs. Well that's me. No matter how hard I try I can not get a flat stomach. Not without making my body fat go very very low. So I'd like to think I'll look like this guy one day. Probably without all the body hair though. I'm really not all that hairy.

I'd love to come home to find this guy waiting for me. No matter how bad your day was going it would instantly get better. Just seeing a nice stud there boned up and ready for action. Sometimes the best way to relieve stress is to take it out on another guy's ass.

Must say that's quite a man. Not only does he have an amazing build, but he's standing out in that type of cold shirtless. Bet his nips are hard as diamonds. Wouldn't mind personally checking. Anyway seeing a guy like this just gets me going. Something about the idea that there is a guy crazy enough to show off in those extreme conditions.

Must say I'm so glad for the invention of webcams. Without webcams (you can tell this is a still from one) we wouldn't get to see some of the guys we do today. Even I have done some stuff on webcam. Just something nice about being able to tease another guy in the comfort of your own home.
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