So I've been getting some mix signals from John and my ex. My ex has said he's gotten over me. Once again. This time he's actually on a site trying to find someone. How hard he's trying is the question. Anyway then yesterday it's like he's not over me again. He wants to know how things with me and John are going, but when I tell him it seems to make things worse. Then when I don't tell him something he gets even more pissy. Lately he is constantly saying that John is going to dump me or that he's just using me or if we do end up in a relationship it's only because he feels like he can't break it off. Real supportive huh? I can't take what he says to heart because I know it's coming from the mouth of an ex who doesn't seem to be as over me as he claims. Then with John it seems like he's slowly letting me in, then other times like he's trying to keep his distance. We are still on for the date and he does seem to be excited about it. The thing is I can kinda read him better in person, but he has built up these walls and they make it very hard to read. I will say that this morning when I sent him my standard good morning text he did text back saying morning boo. Tuesday night I was called sweetie. It's just hard to tell if he's starting to lower for me or if they are as high as ever.

This guy is just flat out adorable. He just has that face where you just want to kiss him. Then has this body that is built to take and give a pounding. There are just certain features in a guys face that make me say they are cute. For me it's just a certain level of roundness. Not so much to take away from other features, but not so angular that you think you are looking at a stone statue. Not a lot of guys have it. This guy does.

I'm trying to decide if this is a before or after photo. The guy is clearly in a tanner room and looks like he has been using it. So I wonder if he wanted a photo of himself before and wanted one after so he could compare. I personally have never gotten into tanning, but I think that's because of all the warnings. Plus I'm not in a profession where I need to constantly be tan or worry about my appearance.

This photo has that kind of old timey gangster look to it. If it wasn't for the batman tattoo he could pass for the muscle of one such gang. The guy that's constantly pushing guys around for his boss. If it was from a movie he wouldn't be too bright. Then again if you have gangster connections and look like that. You really don't need book smarts.

Fun fact about me is that I didn't know of Jim Ferro until he did a scene for Falcon where he topped Samuel Colt for the first time. I had no clue of his existence until then. Now I know he had to have been doing porn for a little while before that shoot because they wouldn't let just anyone top Samuel Colt. This photo actually explains why I haven't seen him in too much. I don't follow Titan because their stuff is so hard to find. And I'm not paying out my ass for a dvd that I know I won't watch everyday for a year. Plus I'd skip through a lot. Anyway this photo explained a lot to me. Plus also shows that military men should wear latex uniforms.
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