Don't get me wrong. I know why the repeal of Prop 8 is a good thing. My question is why the hell is it a legal issue. Think about it. If the only argument against it is that it's "immoral" than it fails on that premise. The majority decides what's moral and immoral. And I'm pretty sure the majority of the US is perfectly ok with gay marriage. It's the very loud minority that would have you think otherwise. Now if we are saying it's an issue because the bible says so then again this is a non issue. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion. So if you are making a law based on a religious doctrine you are basically not allowing others to have freedom of religion. Even though it's not in the constitution word for word we are again talking about separation of church and state. If we were a religious republic then yeah I can see why it would be a big deal, but we don't. We live in a country with different creeds and religious practices. So let's talk about the sanctity of marriage argument. Really is that even an argument anymore. My perfect example is Kim Kardashian. It's ok to have a 72 day marriage. Or how about the people that only marry for a green card. Those that only marry for money. Are we saying all those people have more of a right to be legally married and have all the rights of a spouse when they clearly don't love each other? We fix that and then maybe that can be an argument. When a man that has cheated on 2 ex wives and is on his third isn't an actual legitimate presidential candidate then we will talk. In a perfect world politics and religion would never sway the courts. Judges would be truly impartial. Sadly we don't live in a perfect world and we have the minority truly telling the majority how to live their life. How many of the 99% are truly in congress? My point exactly.

Does this guy look familiar? Well if I was to throw on some body hair and facial hair you'd know who he is. This is Gianluigi. That's right the same one that did two solos for Men at Play. Personally I wish he at least kept the facial hair, but I think he's also a bodybuilder and they for the most part like to stay clean shaven on the face. Just hard to believe that someone could look so different with and without facial hair. Plus the lack of body hair also throws you for a loop.

This is Branch Warren. The dude is HUGE! I mean when he walks on stage you can't help but notice him. If you don't notice him then you clearly are blind. The thing is that he's not just huge, but defined and very vascular. I'd kill to have legs with just his level of definition and vascularity. That's the thing though. I know it requires a diet that I would have no way of following. I know me. Do love looking at guys with dedication that can do it though.

Someone is clearly free balling at the gym. I mean look at the bulge. That is if you can focus on something besides the guy's massive chest. I admire the dude. I can't free ball. Especially at the gym. When I free ball I'm basically walking around with a boner all day. Plus that's a lot of flopping around. Maybe on my arm day I could get away with it, but I think it would be pretty obvious as it is with this guy.

I do wonder what Chris Duffy is up to. The funny thing is that he was popular in gay porn then disappeared. Then he disappeared from bodybuilding because of the gay porn. Then he resurfaced to do a video for Jimmy Z and do one of there shows and now it seems like he's flying under the radar again. Then again he could have done it as a favor to someone at Jimmy Z. Do wish that he'd at least do one more video. Wonder if he's with someone.
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