Today I hung out with a guy that was very sweet. He's actually younger than me if you can imagine that. His name is John. We just played video games at my apartment. That's right that's it. That is all we did. We didn't kiss. We didn't blow each other. We just played games and chatted. It was so nice and comfortable. So when he texted me earlier saying he had fun and that we should do it again, I said yes we should. Or we could just do a date. He said ok. Sounds good. So yes I again am putting my neck on the line. The guy is very nice, taller then me, weighs more than me, and just so cute. So I'm going to give it a try. Besides I think he was dropping hints that we should go on a date. Now of course my ex doesn't like John. He says oh he's too young and if he gets mad at you he'll tell everyone you are gay. Yes that is truly my ex that is that paranoid. Why does he think this younger guy will go out and tell everyone I'm gay. Oh the answer is simple. Some guy he use to chat with dated a younger guy and they broke up and he ended up telling his parents. Why does he think every guy is going to rape me? Because a guy that he chatted with got raped. Basically every crappy thing he thinks will happen to me is all because of some guy he met online having a bad experience. So I'm going to give this John a chance because I enjoy talking to him, he is a butch guy (minus the ear rings), and I was comfortable talking and being around him. Honestly I wanted him to hold me in his arms. Yeah I can be such an affection whore.

If you kinda give this image a quick glace it looks like he's sticking out. I know that's what I thought. Turns out it's just his finger. Kinda got my hopes up and everything.

This guy is the ultimate tease. I know his name is Con something. I could look it up, but don't feel like doing it. He always seems to be naked, but not. There was a video of him from Jimmy Z putting on tanner and he was naked, but the camera never went below the waist. Or he puts a towel over there. Wish he would just show it. The constant game makes you wonder if it's not too much to look at. Or maybe it's such an eye full that he likes to keep us in suspense.

Blu Kennedy is a guy that has kinda grown up on screen. I swear his first video was done when he just turned 18. He was such a twink. You look at him now and I can't call him a twink anymore. He's very much a hot stud. He's filled out very nicely and his face has lost that kinda boyish look. I'd very much chase after him in a bar or online if I saw him. Couldn't say that about him before.

I sadly don't know this guy's name. I do know that he was a bodybuilder. He was in the final scene of Opposite Attraction 2. I don't know if he ever did another video after that. In that movie, a cop jacks off to video of him in a competition. And in the video he looked like he just got done with a contest. He was in great shape. Just like he is in this photo. Personally I like him with a bit of hair on him.
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