Today is suppose to be my big date night. Just like the last time I'm not sure it will actually happen. Once again not because of anything I'm doing. I plan on going. The other guy Tommy that I'm not sure of. First off all week I couldn't get him to agree to a time or a place. Then when he suggest a place it's some fancy place where the cheapest thing on the menu is $13.95. This from a guy who has told me time and time again he doesn't have a lot of money. He says he has a gift certificate, but that's great it covers you, but not me. I certainly don't want to shell out over $14 for a meal on a guy that I'm not sure is going to workout. So I said why don't we go to a place more economical. He couldn't think of one so I chose one that was on the way home for me. Hey I gave him the choice first. Don't judge. Anyway I finally corner him into doing it so we will see if he backs out because of the snow, or because he's not feeling well. He said he was feeling under the weather yesterday on his facebook. If he cancels then he can try to set up another date if he wants one. I'm tired of pulling teeth. If you want to meet me you'll make the effort to just like I would. If not then you'll drag like this guy has. I'm sure he just wants me to agree to meet him at his place, but I'm not that kinda guy....anymore. Least at the moment.

Oh how I wish Karim did more videos. He has such an amazing body. Heck I'd love to be held in those arms. If I only got 5 minutes with him that's specifically what I'd ask. Honestly I love being held by big guys. Even if nothing sexual ever happens, I just love being held by a pair of strong arms. Now yes it is instant boner material for me, but still I do like it.

Now that is quite a dick on this guy. I just can't help but wonder if he's actually soft or he has a dick that points down when it's hard. I'm think it's just soft, which makes me even more jealous of this guy. He's got an awesome body, and a huge dick. Some guys are just that lucky sometimes.

That guy has a very defined chest. Yeah that's what drew my eye. Hell the guy has amazing definition everywhere. I mean look at those arms. I so wouldn't mind having his build. Or even just getting to wake up next to it everyday. Yes I know I'm so easy to please.

This is a gif image of Skye Woods and Zeb Atlas. Like most things it looks good in black and white. Just two huge men all over each other. Yep just gave myself a boner.
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