Seems like lately I'm seeing guys that can be me in the future. First it was the guy that was willing to enter in a long distance relationship with me after only having a few conversations back and forth. All because he couldn't find what he wanted in his state. The entire state of Arizona. Then I've met guys that just lie. They flat out seem to like to play with people. Pretend they are interested then not show up. Then there is my ex. Where I'm so afraid to be out there that if I break up with a guy that's it. I'll never get another. I'll just sit and sulk and make my ex feel bad. He recently pissed me off which is why I said it the way I did. Or there is the guy that I had run into yesterday on bear411. There is a guy I've been chatting to since I started. Well yesterday I was being down on myself as usual. I told him a legit fear I have. I said I wonder if the guy I'm suppose to meet is no where near here. He then comes back that there are tons of retail jobs in his city. He also has domestic partner benefits at his job so I'd get excellent health care. Yeah that's right you did read that right. He basically asked me to move to his city and become his domestic partner. We have NEVER met before. We haven't even talked over the phone. Thus begins my worrying. Is that guy so desperate for someone to be in a relationship that he would basically say we are married to give me health benefits and keep me near him? Will that be me when I get close to 50? It's stuff like this that I'm thinking about before my meet up with John. And I've already started to do my weird thing. I was looking up zodiac compatibility. Found out he's a Sagittarius to my Libra. That's a good match. And seeing as past relationship compatibilities came true, be nice if this one did to. Plus our chinese zodiac signs line up as well. So that's how desperate I am. Hoping that the stars tell the truth. Tomorrow will be interesting.

Always a nice pose. I say that because it seems like this is the pose that usually gets a little spillage package wise. Sadly this guy didn't fall pray to that. Looks like it's in there to stay for awhile.

This looks like an image from one of Julius' stories. All of his Daddy characters have a look like this. They are typically in good shape. They have hair torsos and chests. The facial hair is typically there in some way shape or form. The face seems to always be the same too. I always love his stories. He just is really good at story telling. Even though it's just a still image with a paragraph of caption, the image always goes well with it. It captures something int he caption that we wish to see. Plus his stories are always daddy son type stories which I like.

I'm in such a weird position with this photo. I like it, yet I don't. I look at this guy's body and the face just throws me. Like the face is too young for the body. Then I look at the body closer. The guy's lower body looks like it shrunk. He has tiny legs and his dick isn't too awe inspiring. I'm wondering if it was the camera or this is some weird photo shopping going on. Or I'm just looking too close. Just can't help but notice it.

This is Rocky Torrez. Sadly the guy didn't do too many videos. There are two videos where I liked him the most. His scene with Steve Cruz and Francois Sagat in H2O and the movie Out on the Con. I just find him so incredibly hot. He's built like a solid brick house and he's not the tallest guy around either so it's almost impossible to move him without him agreeing to do so. Just so hot.
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