So for the past few days I have not felt well. My stomach has been killing me and I have been waking up in the middle of the night terrified. Well I told my ex and he said he thinks it's because I'm trying to be something I'm not. I took a shower and it got me thinking. I am trying to be something I'm not. This dating thing is forcing me to do things I normally wouldn't do. Despite what I try to portray I'm not some cold hearted bastard. The one strike thing is easier said than done with me. Even now I kinda want to contact Tommy to see why he didn't want to meet or to give him a second chance. I'm forgiving to a fault. I will let someone walk all over me thousands of times before I tell them to stop. I mean let's look at what's happened pretty recently. My ex controlled me and my actions for a long time. I gave up my independence, yet if he was hurt I'd rush to help him. Scott said he wanted to date me, then didn't, then did, then didn't and is now dating a new guy that is the love of his life and he constantly tells me about how much sex they are having. Instead of telling him off I say that's great and keep my mouth shut. The best example is Brock. Brock flat out used and lied to me. He said he wanted to date me, but when it came time he was no where to be found and didn't bat an eye when I said I was dating. He loves to come in and buy a male enhancement from me and tell me about all the shit in his life. Yet a part of me would love it if he was to come up to me today and say he wants to give it a try. The best example is the guy I know back in Texas. I helped this man through his divorce. Through wait 3 relationships. Now that he is living with a guy and things are fine he is too busy to even say hi. He is too busy cleaning and looking for a job (he says that's all he does on the internet which is bullshit) to say something. Yet every time I see him on I'm just waiting for his message. Who I am is not a cold person. I'm a honest guy that truly wants to be friends with people and would do anything for the people I care about. Sadly I've come to realize that people like me get stepped on and mistreated by others.

Donnie Russo is a guy that I truly wish would have been my high school gym teacher. I would have gotten way more into physical fitness if he was the coach. I'd want to just be around him. He's such a masculine man. I will say early Donnie Russo is my favorite. The later Donnie was very much into fetishes and had tons of tattoos to the point it covered up all that muscle he worked so hard to put on.

This is a photo of Wade Neff. He is for sure one of the icons of Colt. You can see there is some similarity between him and Carl Hardwick. Then again most Colt guys were hairy and/or had a mustache. The cowboy theme was also big with Colt. Which makes since with their mascot being a horse. Least it use to be anyway. The gold ole days of colt.

I'm not 100% (more like 95%) sure that this is Chris Duffy. I mean it looks like him but no tattoos out to confirm it. Must say he just looks like a giant of a man. Especially in the legs. Do kinda want to know the story behind this picture. Just don't see many guys in firemen gear.

I've seen this guy before. From what I can't remember. I do remember all those tattoos. Oh that's it it was some movie about bears. He was in a wrestling scene. He topped and bottomed. I knew it would come to me. I personally have no problem with his look, but I'm sure there are those out there who do. I find myself attracted to guys like this because I want to know what they are really like. Feels to me like if you try your best to look all gruff and tough that you are actually pretty sweet on the inside.
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