I was talking to Scott's Friend yesterday... I'm calling him Butch. The reason for that is he knows who he is and is secure in it. Anyway Butch and I were talking and he asked me if I ever thought about being a porn star. I laughed and said oh no way. You have to have major self esteem to do that. When you think about it, it's a very true statement. In going around getting all these videos I see some very vicious comments. They are even in the titles of the videos sometimes. The reason being is that 1. not everyone has the same taste and 2. it's easy to say mean things when you know you'll never meet face to face. Just amazes me though. I mean so what you don't like older guys. Doesn't mean you have to go all out with hateful comments. How about saying you didn't like it, or just moving on? You see it a lot on xvideos. Come on guys no one has the same tastes. If they did there would just be one porn studio or they all would be the same. Colt is geared more for guys that like muscular guys. Pantheon is for older/bears. Bel Ami is more for the lean twink guys. Next Door Studios and Falcon are more for the gay for pay crowd. There is plenty out there that I'm sure that we all could find something. I'm not saying that I'm not like some of these guys. I do know what I like. The things I don't like I don't post. I avoid stuff with Spencer Reed just because I don't get a good vibe from him, but you don't see me doing a huge long rant on why everyone should boycott him. It's the big vicious feedback that has lead so many gay guys to have low self esteem. I'm one of them. I see guys that aren't models, but they are cute that have been cut down by others. One guy that I met on plenty of fish has been called fat and ugly so many times that he latched onto me because I said he was cute and a decent person. It won't ever happen because he lives so far away, but just goes to prove the point. Why are we so hard on other gay men? Why can't we simply say I'm not interested, but good luck in finding who you are looking for? Nope we want to viciously cut down one another or simply stand them up. Yes that last one was a cut at the guy that stood me up.

Mack SF is such a hot bear. Wouldn't mind laying next to him in that hammock. Would be hard as a rock of course. Just the idea of being wrapped in those strong arms is giving me a boner. He's one of the reasons why I love big muscle bears. The idea of being with such a man just drives me wild.

yes this guy isn't the biggest bodybuilder ever, but you can't help but notice that bulge. The thing with bodybuilder bulges is that sometimes they just look smaller the bigger the body. Some of the guys have accurate size dicks, but they have so much mass everywhere their bulges just look smaller. Plus most guys are growers not showers.

I can't do this. I've tried to stick my dick out of my briefs when I had a boner and it didn't turn out well. I always went soft shortly after doing so. Yet if I get a boner in briefs it will stay around for quite some time. Weird huh?

I'm very jealous of this guy. Not for his body or his cock. No I'm jealous because he has a home gym. No joke that has been something I've wanted for a long time. To be able to afford a house and put a gym in it. Just so I can do what he has done and that is workout naked. Just always thought it's how guys should workout. Boners or no boners. Just figured one day I'd have a partner that wanted a home gym to and we'd workout together naked. If we had sex afterwards then that was just a plus.
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