My weekend had it's ups and downs that's for sure. So Saturday was my date and it went very very well. We were suppose to go bowling at around 3, but he ended up coming over a little early because his roommates were out and he figured he'd spend the time with me. We had some fun tickling each other before settling in to watch a bit of tv. Before I know it my head is on my lap, I'm on my stomach, and he's rubbing my back. Well I start getting sneaky. I position myself so that my back is in his stomach and his arms are around me. Yes I was trying to get him to be a bit more intimate with his cuddling. He kissed my ear. I kissed his hand. He turned my head and kissed me. And just recalling the events is making my dick hard. It was just really intimate and close. Well after like an hour of kissing and cuddling we finally made it to bowling. He kicked my ass at it like I knew he would. So we went for dinner and just had a good time. Well neither of us wanted the evening to end so we went over to his place. I had to go pick up my car and stopped in to get my charger where my ex was home from work and says oh he's home. I said no just picking up my charger and heading over to his place. He said oh so he knows where he lives. I just said no he knows where I live. And left. When we got to his place we played video games and after that snuggled and kissed some more. And I mean we both were enjoying it. I wasn't the only one tenting. I so wanted to stay the night, but went back home. Still feeling good from my date. My ex was asleep so I didn't have to hear anything from him. I texted John to let him know I made it safe and we chatted back and forth. Then my ex came out. And that was an annoying conversation. He finally went to bed after getting so worked up. Then came Sunday. That was another fun day. Basically my ex wanted to kick me out. Then after he thinks about it he changed his mind. At this point it is just getting to me and I don't want to do anything. Plus at that time John wasn't texting me. So I had a crappy Sunday. I woke up around midnight and my phone buzzed a few minutes later. I assumed it was him. Nope just facebook. Then I try to go back to sleep, but I couldn't help but feel like a fool for being so open and forward with John. Then the text. He texted me to let me know he left his phone at home. And we had a bit of a chat before I went to bed. So it was better. I actually chatted with him at the laundromat in town before work. We are going to try to do something before he has to go out of town this weekend. The only annoying thing about John is when I'm with him I get the feeling yes he wants to be in a relationship, but when we aren't in person I just get that he wants to hang out. Well I'll let him know about that on a 2nd date. All in all I'm feeling pretty good about it. John is 3 years younger than me, a tall guy, very cute, and in decent shape. And he has a very open personality. He's very off the wall with his humor, but what really made me melt for him is the way we cuddled. I know there is something there and I want to explore it more. Pretty sure he's the same way. Sadly I suck at playing hard to get.

Got to love the O face. Every guy has it and most of them are sexy. That's usually what can do me in. When a guy is getting close and his face is starting to make that "Oh god I'm cumming" look. Sadly not everyone gives a good O face. I really don't think I give a good one.

Ben Archer is so hot. Despite what rumors would have you believe, he is in fact alive and well. Living in Chicago last I heard. The man has an amazing body and always did great work. Shame he's not in the business anymore. Wouldn't mind hearing why from him. I always just like to know for personal curiosity sake.

Based on the blanket on the couch I'm pretty sure he's getting ready to get it on. Or he likes to hang out in his boxers and he was actually snuggling up when boned up. The camera of course had to come out there. Must say this guy is very impressive. Based on the haircut I'd like to think he was in the military. Certainly has the build for it. And that dick is not tiny thing. Wouldn't mind seeing it in action.

Wow. Just all I can say. That is pretty amazing definition and size. Plus as we all know I have a thing for guys that wear glasses. And if we look at his bulge it looks like he's got some pretty big balls going on.
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