Today I finally got to be with Butch. It was so worth it. We just had a great time. I mean we just couldn't get enough of each other. Honestly if we were closer in age I'd ask him out. We get along very well. It was just so relaxed and great. We even snuggled. We were just resting in each other's arms talking and bam. We both got hard as rocks. That's a big deal for the both of us. I said do you usually get hard after a go around. He said no usually I'm done for a bit. I'm the exact same way. I can't just pop a boner again. I was that relaxed and that into him that my dick just responded. We had another go around. Last time I tried that it was very taxing. It was actually with Scott. He was so bent on getting a 2nd load out of me that it didn't just happen. Not with Butch. With Butch I was so relaxed and enjoying being in his arms that my dick responded. My dick is way more in tune with my feelings then I am. Plus I'm sure not cumming for like a week helped as well. Wouldn't mind it being the start of a regular thing for me. Man was that good today. Then again I probably shouldn't have done it. Still don't really feel 100%, but I already canceled on him once because I was sick. Didn't want him to think I wasn't interested. I very much am. Plus now that we've done it he plans on stopping by the store anytime he needs a little release.

I can't help but wonder if this is what a lot of gladiators looked like. A body sculpted from training and fighting. Obviously there wouldn't have been a nipple ring. Did seem like they wore little clothing though. Have to wonder why that is.

When I stumbled upon this picture I swore the guy was wearing nothing. I was just scrolling down and my brain caught it, but just not entirely. It noticed the pink posers, but made it a dick. My only problem with this guy is the long hair. It just does not look good on guys. Not saying it has to be a buzz cut, but shouldn't be that long.

Got to love tanner. This guy normally is probably pretty white. Yet because of paint on tan solution he looks amazing in the sunlight. You can still see every vein and definition on this guy. There is a reason why black guys tend to look better physically on camera. Dark skin does help to keep definition from getting washed out by light.

This is a picture of warren cuccurullo. It's so funny how so many pictures of him naked are available on the net. Sadly he doesn't produce anymore for the world to see. You got to admit the guy is in shape and has an incredible dick. I wonder if he was trying to break into porn, then changed his mind. I can also see why he was a teen heart throb. Then again I doubt he was bald back then.
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