It's Friday the 13th and it has shown in the customers I've had to deal with today. Everything else has been kinda fine. Scott talked me into joining manhunt and bear411. The sad thing is that I'm not a bear so I feel weird being on that site. Will say two guys talked to me on manhunt. One asked if I would add him then when I did I think he unadded me. Or facebook is freaking out again. Hard to tell sometimes. I also downloaded the growlr app based on Vic's recommendation. I'm truly at the point where I know what I want and just want it to happen. What I want to happen is a guy that wants to be in a relationship with me. Preferably a bear type. I think right now I really drawn to them because of the fact it's cold and bears keep you warm. Really I wouldn't turn down any guy that actually has it together to want something more than sex. I am done being picky really. The only thing I'm picky about is the personality. If there is nothing there besides what's on the surface then it's not fun and not worth my time. I need someone that will put forth what I do. That includes texting back if I was to text. It doesn't have to be a long drawn out response. It could just simply be I'm busy can we chat more later? Someone that sees something in me that I clearly don't. That is actually a pretty broad thing. I don't see a lot of things in me that people around me see. Don't think my luck will be changing too much on that today.

It's a shame that this guy's face got cut off from the photo. Must say this guy has a nice solid build. This is the type of guy I'm really into right now. Just something about a bigger guy holding me get's my dick rock hard.

I see a guy like this and I see a guy that is actually a real softy. I don't know what it is, but when I see a tough looking guy I tend to see a guy that has this strong exterior to protect the soft inside. I of course could be wrong, but when I see a guy like this I just want to get to know him better. See what he's really like. It has to do with not falling into a stereotype. Stereotypes are easy. You know what to expect, but those of us that are more than what you expect are intriguing. I'd like to think I'm more than a stereotype of a gay man, a 23 year old, a black man (yeah I'm black), and a nutrition store employee.

I sadly don't know this guy's name. He is not the Muscle Prince so don't bother to guess that. I have seen him in a video where he was with a guy and woke up to have sex. It was a very hot scene. Just wish I knew if he did more. Got to admit he does seem a bit commanding.

Seriously where the hell do these guys work out? Do I need to join a gym that has a locker room? Seems like all the guys that take photos of themselves like this are in locker rooms. I must say I don't see too many cute guys at my gym. Then again I do go in really early. 6:30 am to be exact. I would change that, but honestly I do like being able to workout undisturbed.
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